CHRIST (Deemed to University), Bangalore


School of Psychological Sciences

Syllabus for
MSc (Clinical Psychology)
Academic Year  (2024)



Assesment Pattern

Assessment Pattern

The department follows a pattern of 70 % marks for Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) and 30 % marks for End Semester Examinations (ESE).

Break up of continuous internal assessment for 4 credit courses is as follows

CIA 1: 30 marks
CIA 2: 35 Marks
Attendance: 5 marks


Attendance Percentage


95% -100%

05 marks

90% - 94%

04 marks

85% - 89%

03 marks

80% - 84%

02 marks

76% - 79%

01 mark








 For two credit courses the breakup of CIA is as follows

CIA1:20 marks
CIA 2:25 Marks
Class participation and Attendance: 5 marks

Minimum pass marks for the CIA of a course is 50 % and a pass in each of the CIA is mandatory to be eligible to write the End semester examinations. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA before moving to the next CIA. The students who fail a CIA will have to apply for repeat CIA immediately after publishing the results of each of the CIA components. In such a case an application should be made, to the Office of Examinations and obtain necessary approvals forwarded through the HoD and Dean. The number of chances for repeating each CIA is one. Students who fail the CIA in a semester have to apply for CIA repeat of the whole course in the subsequent semester.

The end semester examinations shall be conducted for 2 hours and evaluated out of 50 marks which are then converted to out of 30 marks. Minimum of 40 % marks is required to pass in the ESE of each course and an overall grade of 40% is required to pass the course(CIA+ESE) . Student failing a course due to less than minimum in ESE shall repeat the ESE while his/her internal scores shall remain valid.

Permission for admission to the ESE is granted only if
• A student has obtained a minimum of 33/65 (CIAs)
• A student has at least 85% of the attendance in aggregate at the end of the semester.
• The Vice Chancellor is satisfied with the character and conduct of the student.

 Grading Pattern



Grade point

(10 point scale) 

Grade point

 (4 Point scale) 
















Very Good










Above Average














Examination And Assesments

Formative and Summative assessments are conducted by the department to ascertain the readiness for learning and the attainment of learning outcomes. Assessments are examinations are based on competency frame work and principles of outcome-based education. Attainment of learning outcomes/ expected competencies is evaluated using either holistic or analytic rubrics, grading schemes or attainment criteria specified to the students at the beginning of the semester. Learning outcomes (Course outcomes) of each course are mapped to programme outcomes. Assessments and examinations follow the principle of constructive alignment and outcomes are mapped to higher order thinking skills. Most common frameworks used in this programme include Revised Blooms Taxonomy, and Structure of Observed Learning outcomes (SOLO) and ICAP framework.

Assessment is based on the performance of the student throughout the semester.

Credit Structure
Normally 15 hours of classroom teaching in a semester is considered as one credit for theory courses.

• Courses with 30 hours per semester will earn the candidate 2 credits.
• Courses with 45-50 hours per semester will earn the candidate 3 credits.
• Courses with 51 hours and above per semester including practical will earn the candidate 4 credits.
• Dissertations/Practical equivalent to one course will earn the candidates 4-6 credits.

Department Overview:

The Department of Psychology offers a range of programmes that include Open Electives, Undergraduate programmes, Post Graduate programmes with seven specializations and Research degrees in psychology (PhD). Through these programmes, we encourage students to consider careers and life missions that integrate psychological understanding into life. Our programmes integrate scholarship with professional practice and we offer courses that are cutting edge in the field of psychology. Students who complete programmes in Psychology from the University demonstrate high degrees of self-awareness are service-oriented and are encouraged to embrace humane values in their vocation. The Department realizes its vision to promote high academic standards through a continuous and dynamic curriculum review process based on feedback from regional, national and international peers, practitioners, potential employers, alumni and students. A variety of student-centered teaching and training pedagogies are practised by the faculty members. Prominent among them is the use of seminars, experiential methods, laboratory training, conferences, workshops, field-based studies, film-based discussions, journal clubs, and professional development activities. All postgraduate students of he department prepare a publication ready research manuscript by the end of the third semester. Through its several MOUs with International Universities, the department organizes joint conferences, webinars, faculty and student exchange and visits, Guest lectures and scholarship opportunities for students and joint supervision of research projects.

Mission Statement:

The department adopts the vision of the University "Excellence and Service" and its Mission as "a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make an effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment". In doing so it strives to is to promote high academic standards and scholarship in psychology, by creating an optimal and enriching learning environment, foster ongoing professional and personal development, and contribute effectively to societal needs.

Introduction to Program:

The Department of Psychology offers a two-year full-time M Sc program in Psychology with specialization in Clinical Psychology. Keeping pace with the disciplinary advances the program would address knowledge about psychological functioning at individual and social levels in an all-encompassing manner. With the goal of acquiring specialized knowledge, the program would allow students to nurture their academic interest in clinical psychology, along with personal growth and awareness. The spirit of interdisciplinary growth is kept in view while conceptualizing a three-tier system- A) CORE COURSES in the first three PG semesters (courses, which can be considered to be fundamental in giving PG students a larger perspective of Psychology as a social science discipline, irrespective of specialization); B) SPECIALIZATION COURSES (specific theory courses within the subject of Clinical Psychology); and C) ELECTIVE COURSES (a wide variety, across all disciplinary specializations, primarily conceptualized by individual faculties (based on their own interest/expertise), offered from time to time and chosen by students according to their preference. The program would strive to prepare competent professional psychologists who would excel in knowledge, orientation, and practice in psychology, with high ethical standards and social relevance.

Program Objective:

Programme Outcome/Programme Learning Goals/Programme Learning Outcome:

PO1: Demonstrate theoretical knowledge of general and clinical psychology.

PO2: Identify and distinguish between disorders, evaluate and assess various conditions that arise in clinical practice; use clinical judgment in case conceptualization and intervention.

PO3: Review and analyze scientific texts, develop research proposals and conduct, document and disseminate research.

PO4: Demonstrate social and cultural competence in interactions with individuals of diverse backgrounds

PO5: Identify,approach and engage diverse communities or stakeholders and support them through promotion, prevention and psychosocial interventions.

PO6: Demonstrate ethical codes of conduct in practice, reflect on professional development and review mental health laws.


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:15
No of Lecture Hours/Week:1
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course will introduce students to the domain of academic writing and its intricacies. Every student, regardless of his or her area of interest, will be called upon to use an academic style of writing at different levels and at various points in time. This course will therefore seek to impart such knowledge about the styles of writing used in the current academic scenario. It will provide students with opportunities in the classroom setting to practice such styles, both individually and in collaboration with others.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Scientifically acknowledge different sources of information in their writings

CO2: Avoid plagiarism.

CO3: Write a document in APA format

Teaching Hours:3
CO1;Scientifically acknowledge different sources of information in their writings

An overview of the status of academic writing and its importance; different approaches and processes;


Experiential Learning as Assessment Strategies: Individual/Group presentations on forms and issues in Academic Writing; classroom assignments in generating abstracts, posters, reviews, etc

Teaching Hours:3
CO1;Scientifically acknowledge different sources of information in their writings

An overview of the status of academic writing and its importance; different approaches and processes;


Experiential Learning as Assessment Strategies: Individual/Group presentations on forms and issues in Academic Writing; classroom assignments in generating abstracts, posters, reviews, etc

Teaching Hours:3
CO2:Avoid plagiarism.

key issues: plagiarism, biases, and frequent errors

Teaching Hours:3
CO2:Avoid plagiarism.

key issues: plagiarism, biases, and frequent errors

Teaching Hours:9
CO3:Write a document in APA format

Guidelines and rules in Academic Writing: Introduction to style and formatting guidelines from the American Psychological Association (APA); specific guidelines pertaining to in-text citations, references, and structures of academic courses


Forms of Academic Writing: Abstract writing; summarisation; review of literature; scientific

Teaching Hours:9
CO3:Write a document in APA format

Guidelines and rules in Academic Writing: Introduction to style and formatting guidelines from the American Psychological Association (APA); specific guidelines pertaining to in-text citations, references, and structures of academic courses


Forms of Academic Writing: Abstract writing; summarisation; review of literature; scientific

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Bailey, S. (2011). Academic writing : A handbook for international students. 3rd edition. NewYork: Routledge.
  2. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6 th ed.). (2009). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Hartley, J (2008). Academic Writing and Publishing, Routedlege,  New York
  2. Leki, L (2010). Academic Writing 2/E South Asian Edition, Cambridge University Press
Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 20 marks

CIA 2: 25 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks


All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass both CIAs to pass the course


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course has been conceptualized in order to inculcate awareness about legal and ethical aspects of practicing Clinical Psychology in India. It highlights the commonly encountered ethical dilemmas in clinical practice and facilitates ethical decision making in a multicultural context. The courses also address licensure and certification issues in clinical psychology practice in India.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand the foundational principles of ethics in clinical psychology.

CO2: Analyze and resolve common ethical dilemmas in research and practice

CO3: Examine ethical issues specific to special population

CO4: Develop a personal ethical decision model

CO5: Understand legal aspects of licensure and practice of Clinical Psychology in India

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Understand the foundational principles of ethics in clinical psychology
  • History of ethical principles in Psychology; 

  • General Ethical Principles: Beneficence and Non-maleficence, Fidelity and Responsibility, Integrity, Justice, Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity; 

  • Ethical standards: Resolving Ethical Issues, Competence, Human Relations, Privacy and Confidentiality, Advertising and Other Public Statements, Record Keeping and Fees, Education and Training, Research and Publication, Assessment, Therapy, Ethics in Indian context


Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Understand the foundational principles of ethics in clinical psychology
  • History of ethical principles in Psychology; 

  • General Ethical Principles: Beneficence and Non-maleficence, Fidelity and Responsibility, Integrity, Justice, Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity; 

  • Ethical standards: Resolving Ethical Issues, Competence, Human Relations, Privacy and Confidentiality, Advertising and Other Public Statements, Record Keeping and Fees, Education and Training, Research and Publication, Assessment, Therapy, Ethics in Indian context


Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Analyze and resolve common ethical dilemmas in research and practice and develop a personal ethical decision-making model.
  • Ethics and the personal context: Morals, Virtues, Emotions; 

  • Multiple relationships and Boundary issues, Close Encounters, Attraction, & Sexual Misconduct; Psychotherapy contract: Informed consent, confidentiality and guidelines for contacting; 

  • Ethics and confidentiality in digital age, Ethics in online therapy.

  • Developing a personal model for ethical decision making.


Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Analyze and resolve common ethical dilemmas in research and practice and develop a personal ethical decision-making model.
  • Ethics and the personal context: Morals, Virtues, Emotions; 

  • Multiple relationships and Boundary issues, Close Encounters, Attraction, & Sexual Misconduct; Psychotherapy contract: Informed consent, confidentiality and guidelines for contacting; 

  • Ethics and confidentiality in digital age, Ethics in online therapy.

  • Developing a personal model for ethical decision making.


Teaching Hours:15
CO3: Examine ethical issues specific to special population
  • Ethics in child psychotherapy; 

  • Couples and families, Survivors of sexual violence; 

  • Therapy with LGBT; 

  • Ethical Issues in the Consultation-Liaison Context; 

  • Assessment and Management of Suicide Risk; 

  • Ethics in Multicultural and Interpersonal context


Teaching Hours:15
CO3: Examine ethical issues specific to special population
  • Ethics in child psychotherapy; 

  • Couples and families, Survivors of sexual violence; 

  • Therapy with LGBT; 

  • Ethical Issues in the Consultation-Liaison Context; 

  • Assessment and Management of Suicide Risk; 

  • Ethics in Multicultural and Interpersonal context


Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Understand legal aspects of licensure and practice of Clinical Psychology in India
  • Mental healthcare act 2017; 

  • Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016; 

  • RCI Regulations and Act 2000; 

  • Process of getting certified as licensed clinical psychologists; 

  • Representing clients in court of law

  • RTI Act, 

  • Consumer Protection Act


Teaching Hours:15
CO4: Understand legal aspects of licensure and practice of Clinical Psychology in India
  • Mental healthcare act 2017; 

  • Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016; 

  • RCI Regulations and Act 2000; 

  • Process of getting certified as licensed clinical psychologists; 

  • Representing clients in court of law

  • RTI Act, 

  • Consumer Protection Act


Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. American Psychological Association. (2010). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.

  2. Bhola,P.& Raguram ,A.(Eds.) (2016). Ethical Issues in Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice Walking the line .New Delhi: Springer

  3. Rehabilitation Council of India (2000).RCI Amendment Act 2000.Retrived from


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. The Mental Health Care Act (2017). Available from:,%202017.pdf.

  2. Rights of Person with Disabilities Act (2016), Available from

  3. Right to Information Act (2005). Available from

  4. Consumer Protection Act (2019). Available from


Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%

End semester examination (ESE) - 30%   

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 30 marks

CIA 2: 35 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks 

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with a minimum overall CIA mark of 33/65 including class participation to be eligible to write the ESE. 




Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The Developmental Psychology course for Clinical Psychology builds upon principles of human development acquired at the undergraduate level. This course examines research in developmental psychology as it applies to real-world situations. The goal is to acquire a greater understanding of factors influencing development, such as biological, hereditary, environmental, or cultural effects that describe, explain and predict developmental changes in humans over the lifespan. The focus will almost exclusively be on typical development. As such, the course will not focus on therapeutic approaches, interventions, or clinical populations.  We will examine how knowledge of developmental perspectives can inform parenting decisions, education, public policy, interventions and clinical practice. As this course is only a semester-long, it would be impossible to cover in-depth the entire field of applied developmental psychology. Instead, we will focus on selected topics related to child and adolescents in cognitive development and socio-emotional development, and have separate discussion adulthood and aging theories and its impact on adult development.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Explain the cognitive, cultural, environmental and social factors that influence development throughout the lifespan.

CO2: Explain changes in moral and identity development and examining the role of self, gender and others.

CO3: Demonstrate an understanding of the socio-emotional theoretical perspectives on human development and appreciate the diversity of experiences that shape the development.

CO4: Describe developmental theories to explain emerging adults, changes in adulthood, mid-life crisis, aging.

Teaching Hours:15

Jean Piaget : A constructivist approach ; Objects and Space: Object Permanence, metacognitive thinking, personal fableness and adolescent risk behaviour; Vygotsky:  A social contextual approach; Criticisms and application, Neo-Piagetian work Robbie Case, Changes in adult cognitive development-Schaie and William Perry; Play and play patterns

Teaching Hours:15

Jean Piaget : A constructivist approach ; Objects and Space: Object Permanence, metacognitive thinking, personal fableness and adolescent risk behaviour; Vygotsky:  A social contextual approach; Criticisms and application, Neo-Piagetian work Robbie Case, Changes in adult cognitive development-Schaie and William Perry; Play and play patterns

Teaching Hours:15

Social cognition: Intentionality; Theory of mind, Favell’s perspective taking, false belief task, self-control; Moral development, reasoning and Prosocial behavior- Piaget, Kohlberg, & Gilligan; teaching moral values; Intentionality, Self and social understanding- self-concept, self-perception, peer relationship and identity- Erickson, Marcia’s Identity status; health adolescent identity development- positive youth development model; Gender development-Bell; Sex differences and gender role socialization, sexuality, gender fluidity.

Teaching Hours:15

Social cognition: Intentionality; Theory of mind, Favell’s perspective taking, false belief task, self-control; Moral development, reasoning and Prosocial behavior- Piaget, Kohlberg, & Gilligan; teaching moral values; Intentionality, Self and social understanding- self-concept, self-perception, peer relationship and identity- Erickson, Marcia’s Identity status; health adolescent identity development- positive youth development model; Gender development-Bell; Sex differences and gender role socialization, sexuality, gender fluidity.

Teaching Hours:15

Emotional development- still face experiment, emotional regulation and dysregulation, temperament, cycle of aggression, goodness of fit, attachment theories and styles- Bowlby, Ainsworth, and Winnicot; factors that affect attachment-quality time and opportunity for attachment, infant characteristics,  parents internal working model, family environment; Caregiving and Parenting-Diana Baumrind, impact of parenting, issues- co-sleeping, disciplining, abuse, resilience; the role of culture; Bronfenbernner’s Ecosystems model and importance of having a developmental lens

Teaching Hours:15

Emotional development- still face experiment, emotional regulation and dysregulation, temperament, cycle of aggression, goodness of fit, attachment theories and styles- Bowlby, Ainsworth, and Winnicot; factors that affect attachment-quality time and opportunity for attachment, infant characteristics,  parents internal working model, family environment; Caregiving and Parenting-Diana Baumrind, impact of parenting, issues- co-sleeping, disciplining, abuse, resilience; the role of culture; Bronfenbernner’s Ecosystems model and importance of having a developmental lens

Teaching Hours:15

Development during Adulthood, Emerging Adults-Arnett, Bio-psycho-social model of development and developmental tasks- Robert Havighurst, Career and vocation changes-Super Donald, Life stages-Levinson, Erickson; Mid Life Crisis, adult attachment patterns and relationships; Sexuality and Menopause; Coping with death and dying- Kubler Ross; Aging- positive and successful aging; gains and losses in later adult life

Teaching Hours:15

Development during Adulthood, Emerging Adults-Arnett, Bio-psycho-social model of development and developmental tasks- Robert Havighurst, Career and vocation changes-Super Donald, Life stages-Levinson, Erickson; Mid Life Crisis, adult attachment patterns and relationships; Sexuality and Menopause; Coping with death and dying- Kubler Ross; Aging- positive and successful aging; gains and losses in later adult life

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Berk, L. E. (2016). Exploring lifespan development. Pearson.
  2. Broderick, P.C., & Blewitt, P. (2010). The life span: Human development for helping professionals. (3rd Ed.). Pearson.
  3. Santrock, J.W. (2011). A topical Approach to life-Span Development. Tata McGraw-Hill Edition.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Boyd, D. & Bee, H. (2015). Lifespan Development (Seventh. Edition), Pearson.
  2. Dixon, W. E. (2003). Twenty studies that revolutionized child psychology. Prentice Hall.
  3. Feldman, R. S. (2015). Discovering the life span. (Third Edition). Pearson Global Education.
  4. Kail R V (2001) Children and their development. Prentice Hall Inc.
  5. Newman & Newman (2003). Development through life: A Psychosocial Approach. Thomson Wadsworth.         
Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) – 70%

End semester examination (ESE) – 30%  

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 30 marks

CIA 2: 35 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course is offered to students in the first semester to introduce them to the tradition of quantitative research in psychology. It begins by discussing the philosophical foundations of quantitative research followed by the scientific basis of research. Students are expected to see the links between scientific process of research and development of clinical psychology. Students will be introduced to research designs and process of research in quantitative methods. The course also provides opportunities to practice skills of research in laboratory setting

Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate knowledge of research designs in quantitative research and the scientific process of research

CO2: Design an experiment with manipulation can control of the variables.

CO3: Differentiate various data collection and sampling methods employed in quantitative research

CO4: Write a quantitative research proposal in the domain of Psychology

Teaching Hours:20
Unit 1; Introduction

Philosophical roots of quantitative research; History of scientific research in psychology; Definition of research; Purpose and need of psychological research. Experimental, Exploratory, Correlational and descriptive research in psychology; Ethical issues in psychological research

Conceptualization, operationalization and measurement; Causality and experimentation; Definition and nature of variables; operationally defining variables; Independent variables; Dependent variables; formulation of research problems and hypothesis; Different types of hypothesis;

Teaching Hours:20
Unit 1; Introduction

Philosophical roots of quantitative research; History of scientific research in psychology; Definition of research; Purpose and need of psychological research. Experimental, Exploratory, Correlational and descriptive research in psychology; Ethical issues in psychological research

Conceptualization, operationalization and measurement; Causality and experimentation; Definition and nature of variables; operationally defining variables; Independent variables; Dependent variables; formulation of research problems and hypothesis; Different types of hypothesis;

Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2:Experimental Designs in Psychology

Adequate vs Inadequate (faulty) research design; Types of experimental design based on subjects and factors; Within-subjects, between subjects, single-subject, single factor, and factorial design; Sources of error variance and its management in the various types of experimental designs; Mixed design

Experimental manipulation and control of variables; steps in quantitative research (5 hours of lab work dedicated to developing problem statement and a hypothesis is suggested)

Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2:Experimental Designs in Psychology

Adequate vs Inadequate (faulty) research design; Types of experimental design based on subjects and factors; Within-subjects, between subjects, single-subject, single factor, and factorial design; Sources of error variance and its management in the various types of experimental designs; Mixed design

Experimental manipulation and control of variables; steps in quantitative research (5 hours of lab work dedicated to developing problem statement and a hypothesis is suggested)

Teaching Hours:15
Unit 3: Sampling Techniques and Data Collection

Population and sample: Basic assumptions; Sampling distribution; Sampling techniques: probability and non-probability sampling; Methods of data collection: observational methods, surveys, questionnaires, interviewing methods, case study methods, and psychometric tests

Difference between different sampling and data collection methods, when to use what. 

Teaching Hours:15
Unit 3: Sampling Techniques and Data Collection

Population and sample: Basic assumptions; Sampling distribution; Sampling techniques: probability and non-probability sampling; Methods of data collection: observational methods, surveys, questionnaires, interviewing methods, case study methods, and psychometric tests

Difference between different sampling and data collection methods, when to use what. 

Teaching Hours:10
Unit 4

Elements of quantitative research proposal 

Teaching Hours:10
Unit 4

Elements of quantitative research proposal 

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Barker, C., Pistrang, N., & Elliott, R. (2015). Research methods in clinical psychology: An introduction for students and practitioners. John Wiley & Sons.
  2. Bordens, K. S., & Abbott, B.B. (2006). Research and design methods: A process approach(6 ed.). New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Company Limited
  3. Gravetter,F. J., & Forzana, L. A. (2015). Research methods for behavioral sciences (5 ed.). Stamford, CT:Wordsworth cengage learning .
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Goodwin, C. J. (2002). Research in psychology: Methods and design (3rd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  2. Coolican, H.(2004). Research methods and Statistics in Psychology. London: Hoddes Arnold
  3. Kerlinger, N. (1996). Foundations of behavioural research. India: Prentice Hall
Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%

End semester examination (ESE) - 30%  

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 30 marks

CIA 2: 35 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks

MPS134 - PSYCHOPATHOLOGY- I (2024 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course introduces students to mental health issues in clinical psychology by introducing clinical psychopathology. The use of diagnostic assessments using both DSM V-TR and ICD 11 will be explored in this course. Students will also be encouraged to integrate the bio-psycho-social model of health and illness with clinical interventions. 

Learning Outcome

CO1: Compare and contrast the models of etiology of disorders.

CO2: Demonstrate understanding of the various manifestations of psychopathology.

CO3: Identify the criteria to diagnose various disorders using the ICD and DSM classificatory systems.

CO4: Identify the various causal factors of disorders.

Teaching Hours:15
CO1 : Compare and contrast the models of etiology of disorders

Major theoretical models of psychopathology. Systems of classification, basic features; DSM-5- TR, ICD-11, similarities, differences and critical evaluation; new disorders in DSM-5- TR

Teaching Hours:15
CO1 : Compare and contrast the models of etiology of disorders

Major theoretical models of psychopathology. Systems of classification, basic features; DSM-5- TR, ICD-11, similarities, differences and critical evaluation; new disorders in DSM-5- TR

Teaching Hours:15
CO2 :Demonstrate understanding of the various manifestations of psychopathology.

Psychopathology of Mood and Anxiety Disorders 


Depression, bipolar affective disorders; phobia, GAD, panic, OCD, PSTD, adjustment disorder; Clinical characteristics, etiology

Teaching Hours:15
CO2 :Demonstrate understanding of the various manifestations of psychopathology.

Psychopathology of Mood and Anxiety Disorders 


Depression, bipolar affective disorders; phobia, GAD, panic, OCD, PSTD, adjustment disorder; Clinical characteristics, etiology

Teaching Hours:15
CO 3:Identify the criteria to diagnose various disorders using the ICD and DSM classificatory systems.

Psychopathology of Dissociative, Somatoform and Behavioral Syndromes:


Dissociative disorder, somatoform disorder, other neurotic disorder; Clinical characteristics and etiology.

Teaching Hours:15
CO 3:Identify the criteria to diagnose various disorders using the ICD and DSM classificatory systems.

Psychopathology of Dissociative, Somatoform and Behavioral Syndromes:


Dissociative disorder, somatoform disorder, other neurotic disorder; Clinical characteristics and etiology.

Teaching Hours:15
CO4:Identify the various causal factors of disorders

Psychopathology of Psychotic Disorders



Schizophrenia, delusion, other psychotic disorders; Clinical characteristics, etiology; Psycho diagnostic assessments

Teaching Hours:15
CO4:Identify the various causal factors of disorders

Psychopathology of Psychotic Disorders



Schizophrenia, delusion, other psychotic disorders; Clinical characteristics, etiology; Psycho diagnostic assessments

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. American Psychological Association. (2022). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th .ed.): text revision (DSM-5-TR). American psychological association publishers.
  2. Ahuja N (2002). A short textbook of Psychiatry (5th edition). New Delhi. Jaypee Brothers. Sadock, B.J. & Sadock, V.A. (2003). 
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Sadock, B.J. & Sadock, V.A. (2003). Kaplan & Sadock’s Synopsis of psychiatry: Behavioral sciences/clinical psychiatry (9th. Ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%

End semester examination (ESE) - 30%   


Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 30 marks

CIA 2: 35 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks 


All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass both the CIAs with a minimum of 33/65 to be eligible to write the ESE.


End Semester Examination (ESE)

The passing grade for the ESE is 40%

An overall grade of 40% is required to pass the course.(CIA+ESE)




Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This Course intends to familiarize students with an introductory knowledge of the topics and methods of biological psychology to create an understanding of the underlying biological foundations of human behavior.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand the foundational principles, research methods and ethics of biological psychology.

CO2: Identify the basic structure and function of the nervous system and the endocrine system.

CO3: Analyze the biological basis of cognitive functions.

CO4: Demonstrate the application of neurochemical/brain mechanisms in clinical practice.

Teaching Hours:13
Understand the foundational principles, research methods and ethics of biological psychology.

Topic 1: Introduction

The origins of biopsychology, Nature of biological psychology, basic cytology and biochemistry, Mind Brain relationship, Methods of study of research in biopsychology-anatomical methods, degeneration techniques, lesion techniques, chemical methods, stereotaxic surgery, micro-electrode studies, oscilloscope, polygraph, scanning methods & Ethical issues in research. Introduction to genetics.

Teaching Hours:13
Understand the foundational principles, research methods and ethics of biological psychology.

Topic 1: Introduction

The origins of biopsychology, Nature of biological psychology, basic cytology and biochemistry, Mind Brain relationship, Methods of study of research in biopsychology-anatomical methods, degeneration techniques, lesion techniques, chemical methods, stereotaxic surgery, micro-electrode studies, oscilloscope, polygraph, scanning methods & Ethical issues in research. Introduction to genetics.

Teaching Hours:22
Identify the basic structure and function of the nervous system and the endocrine system

Topics 2: Neural and endocrine systems, brain and CNS, PNS.

Structure of neurons, types, functions, neural conduction, communication between neurons, Synaptic conduction, Neurotransmitters. The endocrine system. Pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenaline glands, pancreas, gonads. Endocrine influences on behaviour; Basic features of nervous system, Meninges, Ventricular system, Cerebrospinal fluid, Blood brain barrier, Peripheral nervous system: Cranial Nerves, Spinal Nerves, Autonomous nervous system; Major structures and functions, spinal cord, Brain: Fore brain, Midbrain, Hindbrain, Cerebral cortex, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes; prefrontal cortex. 

Teaching Hours:22
Identify the basic structure and function of the nervous system and the endocrine system

Topics 2: Neural and endocrine systems, brain and CNS, PNS.

Structure of neurons, types, functions, neural conduction, communication between neurons, Synaptic conduction, Neurotransmitters. The endocrine system. Pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenaline glands, pancreas, gonads. Endocrine influences on behaviour; Basic features of nervous system, Meninges, Ventricular system, Cerebrospinal fluid, Blood brain barrier, Peripheral nervous system: Cranial Nerves, Spinal Nerves, Autonomous nervous system; Major structures and functions, spinal cord, Brain: Fore brain, Midbrain, Hindbrain, Cerebral cortex, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes; prefrontal cortex. 

Teaching Hours:13
Analyse the biological basis of cognitive functions

Topics 3: Basic cognition

Learning: Neurophysiology of learning, Synaptic plasticity; Memory: Neurological basis of memory, Language: Lateralization, Evolution and neurophysiology of speech.

Teaching Hours:13
Analyse the biological basis of cognitive functions

Topics 3: Basic cognition

Learning: Neurophysiology of learning, Synaptic plasticity; Memory: Neurological basis of memory, Language: Lateralization, Evolution and neurophysiology of speech.

Teaching Hours:12
Demonstrate the application of neurochemical/brain mechanisms in clinical practice

Topic 4: Disorders of cognitive functions and apply the neurological and biomechanisms in clinical practice.

Brain damage and dysfunction of memory; Disorders of reading writing: aphasia, alexia & dyslexia.

Teaching Hours:12
Demonstrate the application of neurochemical/brain mechanisms in clinical practice

Topic 4: Disorders of cognitive functions and apply the neurological and biomechanisms in clinical practice.

Brain damage and dysfunction of memory; Disorders of reading writing: aphasia, alexia & dyslexia.

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Carlson, N.R. (2004). Physiology of behaviour (8th.ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  2. Schneider M Alles (1990). An introduction to Physiological Psychology (3rd Edition) USA: Random House.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Blackmore, S. (2003). Consciousness: An introduction. London: Hodder&Stoughton.
  2. Carlson, N.R. (1999). Foundations of physiological psychology (4th. Ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  3. Kalat, J.W. (2004). Biological psychology (8th.ed.). Belmont: Wadsworth/Thomson learning.
  4. Kandel, E.R. Schwartz, J.H. & Jessel, T.M. (2000). Principles of neural science (4th .ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
  5. Leukel, F. (1985). Introduction to physiological psychology (3rd .ed.). New Delhi: CPSPublishers.
  6. Pinel, J.P.J. (2000). Biopsychology (4th .ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  7. Rosenweig, M.R., Leiman, A.L. & Breedlove, S.M. (1999). Biological psychology: An introduction to behavioral, cognitive, clinical neuroscience. (2nd Ed.). USA: Sinauer Associates, Inc
  8. Wallace, B. & Fisher, L.E. (1991). Consciousness and Behavior (3rd Ed.). USA: Allyn & Bacon.


Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern: 

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%

End semester examination (ESE) - 30%   

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 30 marks

CIA 2: 35 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks 

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with a minimum overall CIA mark of 33/65 including class participation to be eligible to write the ESE. 

End Semester Examination (ESE)

The passing grade for the ESE is 40%

An overall grade of 50% is required to pass the course.(CIA+ESE)


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course will introduce students to the tradition of qualitative research in social sciences with an emphasis of its applicability in psychology. Different methods of collecting qualitative data are discussed. Methods of Qualitative data analysis are also touched upon. Along with courses on research in the first and second semesters, this course intends to provide students with the theoretical background to develop their research proposal

Learning Outcome

CO1: Appreciate the importance of interdisciplinary research

CO2: Demonstrate skills on designing qualitative research and proposal writing

CO3: Collect qualitative data using various methods

CO4: Demonstrate skills on different traditions of qualitative data analysis and reporting of qualitative research data

Teaching Hours:15
Foundations of Qualitative Research


Defining qualitative research; Historical development of qualitative research; Key philosophical and methodological issues in qualitative research; Different traditions of qualitative research; Grounded theory, Narrative approach, Ethnography, Action research and Discourse analysis (8 hrs)

Research Lab (7 Hrs) 


  1. Review of different article related to the different traditions of qualitative research

  2. Skill training seminars

Teaching Hours:15
Foundations of Qualitative Research


Defining qualitative research; Historical development of qualitative research; Key philosophical and methodological issues in qualitative research; Different traditions of qualitative research; Grounded theory, Narrative approach, Ethnography, Action research and Discourse analysis (8 hrs)

Research Lab (7 Hrs) 


  1. Review of different article related to the different traditions of qualitative research

  2. Skill training seminars

Teaching Hours:15
Qualitative Research Design

Conceptualizing research questions, issues of paradigm. Designing samples, Theoretical sampling, Contrasting qualitative with quantitative approach in research process  Issues of Credibility and trustworthiness (8 hrs)

Research Lab (7 Hrs) 


  1. Qualitative research proposal  lab

  2. Simulated techniques on designing qualitative research

Teaching Hours:15
Qualitative Research Design

Conceptualizing research questions, issues of paradigm. Designing samples, Theoretical sampling, Contrasting qualitative with quantitative approach in research process  Issues of Credibility and trustworthiness (8 hrs)

Research Lab (7 Hrs) 


  1. Qualitative research proposal  lab

  2. Simulated techniques on designing qualitative research

Teaching Hours:15
Methods of Collecting Qualitative Data

What is qualitative data? Various methods of collecting qualitative data: participant observation, interviewing, focus groups, life history and oral history, documents, diaries, photographs, films and videos, conversation, texts and case studies (8 hrs)

Research Lab (7 Hrs) 


  1. Simulated techniques on different data collection methods

  2. Skill training seminars

Teaching Hours:15
Methods of Collecting Qualitative Data

What is qualitative data? Various methods of collecting qualitative data: participant observation, interviewing, focus groups, life history and oral history, documents, diaries, photographs, films and videos, conversation, texts and case studies (8 hrs)

Research Lab (7 Hrs) 


  1. Simulated techniques on different data collection methods

  2. Skill training seminars

Teaching Hours:15
Analyzing Qualitative Data

Different traditions of qualitative data analysis; thematic analysis, Narrative analysis, Discourse analysis, Content analysis (8 hrs)

Research Lab (7 Hrs) 


  1. Qualitative  data analysis software NVivo

  2. Reporting qualitative research data

Teaching Hours:15
Analyzing Qualitative Data

Different traditions of qualitative data analysis; thematic analysis, Narrative analysis, Discourse analysis, Content analysis (8 hrs)

Research Lab (7 Hrs) 


  1. Qualitative  data analysis software NVivo

  2. Reporting qualitative research data

Text Books And Reference Books:


  1. Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2017). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Los Angeles, CA: Sage. 

  2. Ritchie, J., Lewis, J., McNaughton Nicholls, C., & Ormston, R. (2014). Qualitative    research Pactice A  guide    for social science students and researchers (2nd ed.). New Delhi: Sage Publication Limited.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


  1. Bryman,A (Ed.)(2007) Sage Benchmarks in social science research  methods Vol.I,Vol.II ,Vol,III,and Vol.  IV.New Delhi : Sage Publications

  2. Kvale,S.(Ed.) (1997).Psychology & Post-modernism. New Delhi:Sage Publications

  3. McGhee, P. (2001). Thinking critically about qualitative research in psychology. In P. McGhee, Thinking psychologically (pp.98-111). New York: Palgrave

  4. Smith,J.A.(ed.)(2003).Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods.New Delhi: Sage.

  5. Smith,J.A., Harre,R., & Langenhove,L.V.(eds.).(1995).Rethinking methods in psychology.  NewDelhi:Sage.

  6. Willig,C.(2001).Introducing qualitative research in psychology: Adventures in theory and method. Buckingham:Open University Press

Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%

End semester examination (ESE) - 30%   

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 30 marks

CIA 2: 35 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks 


All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with a minimum overall CIA mark of 33/65 including class participation to be eligible to write the ESE. 


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description

In this course, students will spend four hours a week or a total of 30 hours during the semester involved in supervised community service. Students are encouraged to work alongside NGO’s or other professional bodies. Students will engage in activities such as children, adolescents and youth teaching/tutoring, community organization, psychological assessment and mental health awareness. Reflections on their interactions are an integral part of this course. Student engagement will be assessed by the supervisor.

Course objectives

This course will help the learner 

  • To choose a community-based organization that they are interested in working with. 
  • To support organizations to help the community.


Learning Outcome

CO1: Identify community-based issues.

CO2: Provide assistance in community intervention programmes.

Teaching Hours:2

Community service: The concept, Objectives and Scope; Need for community and Academia (University) interface. The role of a psychologist in community service: Social Psychologist, Community Psychologist & Counselor. Outcomes of community service: Personal outcome; Social outcome, Learning outcome and Career outcome.


Teaching Hours:2

Community service: The concept, Objectives and Scope; Need for community and Academia (University) interface. The role of a psychologist in community service: Social Psychologist, Community Psychologist & Counselor. Outcomes of community service: Personal outcome; Social outcome, Learning outcome and Career outcome.


Teaching Hours:15
Field work

Students in groups will partner with various NGO’s and organizations working in the areas of education, development, interventions and mental health. As part of the course requires the students will be involved in the community-oriented activities of the organizations they affiliate with. The NGO’s or Organizations along with the faculty coordinator will be responsible for the process delivery. These placements will offer students hands-on experiences in working with various issues in the community and facilitate meaningful learning. 


Teaching Hours:15
Field work

Students in groups will partner with various NGO’s and organizations working in the areas of education, development, interventions and mental health. As part of the course requires the students will be involved in the community-oriented activities of the organizations they affiliate with. The NGO’s or Organizations along with the faculty coordinator will be responsible for the process delivery. These placements will offer students hands-on experiences in working with various issues in the community and facilitate meaningful learning. 


Teaching Hours:13

Reflection is a core component of Community service. It is a period of critical thinking performed by the student and is based on a specific or overall experience of the student.   It guides students towards greater personal development by coming to a better understanding of their own values, opinions, and assumptions. The types of reflection which can be used are, class discussion, brainstorming, sharing of critical personal and group incidents, directed writings, experiential research paper, student portfolios and so on. The students are expected to discuss in groups at the end of this course using the following guidelines.

Reason for choosing the organization

•The planning phase of service-learning initiatives

•Logistics for the initiative of the action


•Execution of the action initiative

•Specific learning outcome



Teaching Hours:13

Reflection is a core component of Community service. It is a period of critical thinking performed by the student and is based on a specific or overall experience of the student.   It guides students towards greater personal development by coming to a better understanding of their own values, opinions, and assumptions. The types of reflection which can be used are, class discussion, brainstorming, sharing of critical personal and group incidents, directed writings, experiential research paper, student portfolios and so on. The students are expected to discuss in groups at the end of this course using the following guidelines.

Reason for choosing the organization

•The planning phase of service-learning initiatives

•Logistics for the initiative of the action


•Execution of the action initiative

•Specific learning outcome



Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Pawar, M. (2014). Social and Community Development Practice (1st ed.). Los Angeles: SAGE India.
  2. America’s Promise—The Alliance for Youth (2004). Connecting Communities with Colleges & Universities.  909 North Washington Street, Suite 400, Alexandria,VA 22314-1556.


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern:

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 20 marks

CIA 2: 25 Marks

Class participation & Attendance: 5 marks

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with an overall CIA mark of 25/50 to pass the course.


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:20
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


In this course the students are required to identify and select a topic of their interest to conduct research on.

Course Objectives:

This course intends to help the learner

  • identify a research problem

  • develop a research proposal to study the problem


Learning Outcome

CO1: Be able to develop a research proposal for presentation to the departmental council

CO2: Understand the ethical issues involved in their research proposal

CO3: Use peer and instructor feedback effectively to critique research proposals

Teaching Hours:10
CO2:Understand the ethical issues involved in their research proposal

Review of Literature and Problem Identification

Identifying a problem; Presentation of research idea; Presentation of research idea; Training on review of literature; Research proposal (Quantitative ); Research proposal (Qualitative )


Teaching Hours:10
CO2:Understand the ethical issues involved in their research proposal

Review of Literature and Problem Identification

Identifying a problem; Presentation of research idea; Presentation of research idea; Training on review of literature; Research proposal (Quantitative ); Research proposal (Qualitative )


Teaching Hours:10
CO2:Understand the ethical issues involved in their research proposal

Review of Literature and Problem Identification

Identifying a problem; Presentation of research idea; Presentation of research idea; Training on review of literature; Research proposal (Quantitative ); Research proposal (Qualitative )


Teaching Hours:20
Be able to develop a research proposal for presentation to the departmental council

Developing the Proposal

Issues in Methodological frame work; Presentation of methodology; Presentation of methodology; Submission and Presentation of first draft

Submission and Presentation of first draft; Final presentation; Final submission of proposal


Teaching Hours:20
Be able to develop a research proposal for presentation to the departmental council

Developing the Proposal

Issues in Methodological frame work; Presentation of methodology; Presentation of methodology; Submission and Presentation of first draft

Submission and Presentation of first draft; Final presentation; Final submission of proposal


Teaching Hours:20
Be able to develop a research proposal for presentation to the departmental council

Developing the Proposal

Issues in Methodological frame work; Presentation of methodology; Presentation of methodology; Submission and Presentation of first draft

Submission and Presentation of first draft; Final presentation; Final submission of proposal


Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Hart, C (2006). Doing your Masters Dissertation ,Sage, New Delhi


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Barker, C., & Pistrang, N. (2015). Research methods in clinical psychology: An Introduction for students and practitioners. John Wiley & Sons.

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern:

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

  • CIA 1: 20 marks

  • CIA 2: 25 Marks

  • Attendance: 5 marks

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with an overall CIA mark of 25/50 to pass the course.



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This Course intends to familiarize students with an introductory knowledge of the topics and methods of biological psychology to create an understanding of the underlying biological foundations of human behavior

Course Objectives: At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify basic brain structures and related functions

  • Describe contemporary research methods for studying brain and behavior

  • Interpret how drugs and hormones influence behavior

  • Identify the process by which memories are formed

  • Analyze the neurological pathways related to hunger, emotions, and sleep

  • Recognize the ways various emotions are expressed

  • Describe biological and social origins of sexual behavior / motivation

  • Differentiate lateralization of brain function and language development

  • Apply biological elements to common psychological disorders


Learning Outcome

CO1: Analyse the neurobiological basis of basic psychological processes

CO2: Infer the causal role of biological mechanisms on psychiatric disorders.

CO3: Demonstrate the learnt neurobiological influences on human behaviors into clinical scenarios.

Teaching Hours:22
CO1: Analyse the neurobiological basis of basic psychological processes

Emotions as response patterns: fear, anger and aggression; Hormonal control of aggressive behavior; Neural basis of the communication of emotion: Recognition and expression; Physiological correlations of Arousal: consciousness and sleep, Factors affecting consciousness. Sleep: Rhythms of sleeping and waking, neural basis of biological clocks, Stages of sleep, brain mechanisms of REM sleep and dreaming, physiological mechanisms of sleep and waking; Hunger –theories, neural signals; Thirst-neural mechanisms; Sex- hormones and sexual development, neural mechanism of sexual behavior, sexual orientations, hormones and the brain.


Teaching Hours:22
CO1: Analyse the neurobiological basis of basic psychological processes

Emotions as response patterns: fear, anger and aggression; Hormonal control of aggressive behavior; Neural basis of the communication of emotion: Recognition and expression; Physiological correlations of Arousal: consciousness and sleep, Factors affecting consciousness. Sleep: Rhythms of sleeping and waking, neural basis of biological clocks, Stages of sleep, brain mechanisms of REM sleep and dreaming, physiological mechanisms of sleep and waking; Hunger –theories, neural signals; Thirst-neural mechanisms; Sex- hormones and sexual development, neural mechanism of sexual behavior, sexual orientations, hormones and the brain.


Teaching Hours:22
CO1: Analyse the neurobiological basis of basic psychological processes

Emotions as response patterns: fear, anger and aggression; Hormonal control of aggressive behavior; Neural basis of the communication of emotion: Recognition and expression; Physiological correlations of Arousal: consciousness and sleep, Factors affecting consciousness. Sleep: Rhythms of sleeping and waking, neural basis of biological clocks, Stages of sleep, brain mechanisms of REM sleep and dreaming, physiological mechanisms of sleep and waking; Hunger –theories, neural signals; Thirst-neural mechanisms; Sex- hormones and sexual development, neural mechanism of sexual behavior, sexual orientations, hormones and the brain.


Teaching Hours:22
CO2: Infer the causal role of biological mechanisms on psychiatric disorders

Stress and health: The stress response, stress and gastric ulcers, Psychoneuroimmunology, stress and the hippocampus; Fear conditioning: amygdale, contextual fear conditioning and the hippocampus; Human obesity. Implications in eating disorder; Schizophrenia, Substance abuse disorders, Major affective disorders, and Anxiety disorders; Implications in sleep disorders;sexual deviance

Teaching Hours:22
CO2: Infer the causal role of biological mechanisms on psychiatric disorders

Stress and health: The stress response, stress and gastric ulcers, Psychoneuroimmunology, stress and the hippocampus; Fear conditioning: amygdale, contextual fear conditioning and the hippocampus; Human obesity. Implications in eating disorder; Schizophrenia, Substance abuse disorders, Major affective disorders, and Anxiety disorders; Implications in sleep disorders;sexual deviance

Teaching Hours:22
CO2: Infer the causal role of biological mechanisms on psychiatric disorders

Stress and health: The stress response, stress and gastric ulcers, Psychoneuroimmunology, stress and the hippocampus; Fear conditioning: amygdale, contextual fear conditioning and the hippocampus; Human obesity. Implications in eating disorder; Schizophrenia, Substance abuse disorders, Major affective disorders, and Anxiety disorders; Implications in sleep disorders;sexual deviance

Teaching Hours:16
CO3: Demonstrate the learnt neurobiological influences on human behaviors into clinical scenarios

Major Psychiatric Disorders: Schizophrenia, Substance abuse disorders, Major affective disorders, and anxiety disorders. Case discussions of psychiatric disorders:

Teaching Hours:16
CO3: Demonstrate the learnt neurobiological influences on human behaviors into clinical scenarios

Major Psychiatric Disorders: Schizophrenia, Substance abuse disorders, Major affective disorders, and anxiety disorders. Case discussions of psychiatric disorders:

Teaching Hours:16
CO3: Demonstrate the learnt neurobiological influences on human behaviors into clinical scenarios

Major Psychiatric Disorders: Schizophrenia, Substance abuse disorders, Major affective disorders, and anxiety disorders. Case discussions of psychiatric disorders:

Text Books And Reference Books:


  1. Carlson, N. R,  & Melissa A. B (2017). Physiology of behaviour (12th.ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

  2. Kalat, J.W. (2019). Biological psychology (13th.ed.). Belmont: Wadsworth/Thomson learning.

  3. Pinel, P. J & Barnes S. J (2018). Biopsychology (10th .ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. Blackmore, S. (2003). Consciousness: An introduction. London: Hodder & Stoughton.

2. Garrett, B. (2003). Brain and Behavior. Wadsworth, Thomson Learning Inc, USA.

3. Freberg, L A. Discovering Biological Psychology (2nd ed.) (2006), Wardsworth, Belmont: USA

4. Wagner, H., & Silber, K. (2004), Physiological Psychology, Garland Science, Abingdon: UK.

5. Rosenweig, M.R., Leiman, A.L. & Breedlove, S.M. (1999). Biological psychology: An introduction to behavioral, cognitive, clinical neuroscience. (2nd ed.). USA: Sinauer Associates, Inc.

6. Wallace, B. & Fisher, L.E. (1991). Consciousness and Behavior (3rd ed.). USA: Allyn & Bacon.

7. Pinel, J.P.J. (2000). Biopsychology (4th .ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon

8. Kandel, E.R. Schwartz, J.H. & Jessel, T.M. (2000). Principles of neural science (4 th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

9. Leukel, F(1985). Introduction to Physiological Psychology (3rd. ed.). New Delhi: CPS Publishers


Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%

End semester examination (ESE) - 30%   

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 30 marks

CIA 2: 35 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks 

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with a minimum overall CIA mark of 33/65 including class participation to be eligible to write the ESE. 

End Semester Examination (ESE)

The passing grade for the ESE is 40%

An overall grade of 50% is required to pass the course (CIA+ESE)



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course extends the learning in Quantitative research methods in Psychology by introducing students to the measurement and statistical techniques in research. Students will be given opportunity in this course to practice in labs the techniques of tool construction and statistical analysis. Students will be trained in software packages such as SPSS and Excel. 

Learning Outcome

CO1: Reproduce knowledge of specific quantitative methods in accordance with research objectives and variables while adhering to research ethics

CO2: Distinguish the analysis techniques that can be used in quantitative research using Excel, SPSS, and JAMOVI and critique the quantitative methods used in a published journal article.

CO3: Apply the principles of psychological measurements in test construction and standardisation.

CO4: ntegrate the output of statistical analysis using figures and tables in APA format

Teaching Hours:20
co1: Reproduce knowledge of specific quantitative methods in accordance with research objectives and variables while adhering to research ethics

Descriptive statistics and probability


Definition and purpose of psychological statistics; Definition of measurement; scales of measurement; measures of central tendency and variability


Probability distribution and normal curve; Levels of significance; Type 1 and 2 errors, one tailed two tailed tests; Parametric and non-parametric tests



Teaching Hours:20
co1: Reproduce knowledge of specific quantitative methods in accordance with research objectives and variables while adhering to research ethics

Descriptive statistics and probability


Definition and purpose of psychological statistics; Definition of measurement; scales of measurement; measures of central tendency and variability


Probability distribution and normal curve; Levels of significance; Type 1 and 2 errors, one tailed two tailed tests; Parametric and non-parametric tests



Teaching Hours:20
co1: Reproduce knowledge of specific quantitative methods in accordance with research objectives and variables while adhering to research ethics

Descriptive statistics and probability


Definition and purpose of psychological statistics; Definition of measurement; scales of measurement; measures of central tendency and variability


Probability distribution and normal curve; Levels of significance; Type 1 and 2 errors, one tailed two tailed tests; Parametric and non-parametric tests



Teaching Hours:20
co2: Distinguish the analysis techniques that can be used in quantitative research using Excel, SPSS, and JAMOVI and critique the quantitative methods used in a published journal article

Inferential statistics


Linear regression: simple, multiple and stepwise Multiple linear regression


t-tests with non-parametricsolution; One-way ANOVA; Two- way ANOVA and its non-parametric equivalent;



Teaching Hours:20
co2: Distinguish the analysis techniques that can be used in quantitative research using Excel, SPSS, and JAMOVI and critique the quantitative methods used in a published journal article

Inferential statistics


Linear regression: simple, multiple and stepwise Multiple linear regression


t-tests with non-parametricsolution; One-way ANOVA; Two- way ANOVA and its non-parametric equivalent;



Teaching Hours:20
co2: Distinguish the analysis techniques that can be used in quantitative research using Excel, SPSS, and JAMOVI and critique the quantitative methods used in a published journal article

Inferential statistics


Linear regression: simple, multiple and stepwise Multiple linear regression


t-tests with non-parametricsolution; One-way ANOVA; Two- way ANOVA and its non-parametric equivalent;



Teaching Hours:10
CO3: Apply the principles of psychological measurements in test construction and standardisation

Foundations of Psychological Measurement and Testing


Development of Psychological test Item generation, analysis; item difficulty; item discrimination; and Item reliability


Assumptions and theories of test construction: Item response theory and Classical test theory


Teaching Hours:10
CO3: Apply the principles of psychological measurements in test construction and standardisation

Foundations of Psychological Measurement and Testing


Development of Psychological test Item generation, analysis; item difficulty; item discrimination; and Item reliability


Assumptions and theories of test construction: Item response theory and Classical test theory


Teaching Hours:10
CO3: Apply the principles of psychological measurements in test construction and standardisation

Foundations of Psychological Measurement and Testing


Development of Psychological test Item generation, analysis; item difficulty; item discrimination; and Item reliability


Assumptions and theories of test construction: Item response theory and Classical test theory


Teaching Hours:10

Test standardization


Estimation of Reliability, validity; Learning and developing test norms


Teaching Hours:10

Test standardization


Estimation of Reliability, validity; Learning and developing test norms


Teaching Hours:10

Test standardization


Estimation of Reliability, validity; Learning and developing test norms


Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Gravetter, F.J., & Wallnau, L.B. (2002). Essentials of statistics for the behavioral sciences (4th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning

  2. Coolican, H.(2004).Research methods and Statistics in Psychology. London: Hoddes Arnold

  3. Anastasi, A.& Urbina,S(1997).Psychological testing .New Delhi: Pearson Education Asia

  4. Gregory, R.J (2004).Psychological testing. History, principles and applications. New Delhi: Pearson Education Asia

  5. Garrett,H.E (2005).Satistics in psychology and Education. New Delhi: Paragon international Publishers


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.Aron, A. & Aron, E.N. (1994). Statistics for psychology. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

2.Cohen, R.J., & Swerdlik, M.E. (2005). Psychological testing and assessment: An introduction to tests and measurement (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

3.Heiman, G.W. (2001). Understanding research methods and statistics: An integrated introduction for psychology (2nd ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company

4. Kaplan, R.N.,& Saccuzzo, D (2001). Psychological Testing, Principles, Applications and issues. New York Kerlinger, N. (1996). Foundations of behavioural research.  India: Prentice Hall


Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%

End semester examination (ESE) - 30%   

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 30 marks

CIA 2: 35 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks 

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with a minimum overall CIA mark of 33/65 including class participation to be eligible to write the ESE. 

End Semester Examination (ESE)

The passing grade for the ESE is 40%

An overall grade of 50% is required to pass the course (CIA+ESE)



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course introduces students to mental health issues in clinical psychology by introducing clinical psychopathology. The use of diagnostic assessments using both DSM V-TR and ICD 11 will be explored in this course. Students will also be encouraged to integrate the bio-psycho-social model of health and illness with clinical interventions.


Course objectives:

•To understand the etiology and current classificatory systems of mental disorders

•To learn about the different symptoms, courses and prognoses of mental disorders


Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate understanding of the various manifestations of psychopathology

CO2: Identify the various symptoms and causal factors of disorders.

CO3: Demonstrate understanding of skills required to diagnose various disorders.

CO4: Identify the criteria to diagnose various disorders using the ICD and DSM classificatory systems.

Teaching Hours:16
CO1;Demonstrate understanding of the various manifestations of psychopathology

Psychopathology of Neurocognitive  and Sleep Disorders


Dementia, delirium, head injury, epilepsy, other amnesic syndromes; Clinical characteristics and etiology and treatment

Sleep disorder; Clinical characteristics, etiology and treatment

Teaching Hours:16
CO1;Demonstrate understanding of the various manifestations of psychopathology

Psychopathology of Neurocognitive  and Sleep Disorders


Dementia, delirium, head injury, epilepsy, other amnesic syndromes; Clinical characteristics and etiology and treatment

Sleep disorder; Clinical characteristics, etiology and treatment

Teaching Hours:16
CO1;Demonstrate understanding of the various manifestations of psychopathology

Psychopathology of Neurocognitive  and Sleep Disorders


Dementia, delirium, head injury, epilepsy, other amnesic syndromes; Clinical characteristics and etiology and treatment

Sleep disorder; Clinical characteristics, etiology and treatment

Teaching Hours:12
CO2:Identify the various symptoms and causal factors of disorders.

Psychopathology of substance-related and addictive disorders and feeding and eating disorders

Clinical characteristics, etiology, models of addiction, assessment in addiction. Motivational intervention and behavioral assessment.

Feeding and Eating disorders- Anorexia and

Teaching Hours:12
CO2:Identify the various symptoms and causal factors of disorders.

Psychopathology of substance-related and addictive disorders and feeding and eating disorders

Clinical characteristics, etiology, models of addiction, assessment in addiction. Motivational intervention and behavioral assessment.

Feeding and Eating disorders- Anorexia and

Teaching Hours:12
CO2:Identify the various symptoms and causal factors of disorders.

Psychopathology of substance-related and addictive disorders and feeding and eating disorders

Clinical characteristics, etiology, models of addiction, assessment in addiction. Motivational intervention and behavioral assessment.

Feeding and Eating disorders- Anorexia and

Teaching Hours:16
CO3:Identify the criteria to diagnose various disorders using the ICD and DSM classificatory systems

Psychopathology of Adult Personality Disorders, sexual dysfunctions and gender dysphoria.


Clinical characteristics, etiology and theories of cluster A, B and C personality disorders. Differences in ICD and DSM V. Clinical characteristics, etiology of sexual dysfunctions, gender dysphoria, and paraphilias.

Teaching Hours:16
CO3:Identify the criteria to diagnose various disorders using the ICD and DSM classificatory systems

Psychopathology of Adult Personality Disorders, sexual dysfunctions and gender dysphoria.


Clinical characteristics, etiology and theories of cluster A, B and C personality disorders. Differences in ICD and DSM V. Clinical characteristics, etiology of sexual dysfunctions, gender dysphoria, and paraphilias.

Teaching Hours:16
CO3:Identify the criteria to diagnose various disorders using the ICD and DSM classificatory systems

Psychopathology of Adult Personality Disorders, sexual dysfunctions and gender dysphoria.


Clinical characteristics, etiology and theories of cluster A, B and C personality disorders. Differences in ICD and DSM V. Clinical characteristics, etiology of sexual dysfunctions, gender dysphoria, and paraphilias.

Teaching Hours:16
CO4:Demonstrate understanding of skills required to diagnose various disorders.

Disorders of Infancy, childhood and adolescence.

Specific developmental disorder of scholastic skills; Pervasive developmental disorders, behavioural and emotional disorders, disorders of social functioning

Teaching Hours:16
CO4:Demonstrate understanding of skills required to diagnose various disorders.

Disorders of Infancy, childhood and adolescence.

Specific developmental disorder of scholastic skills; Pervasive developmental disorders, behavioural and emotional disorders, disorders of social functioning

Teaching Hours:16
CO4:Demonstrate understanding of skills required to diagnose various disorders.

Disorders of Infancy, childhood and adolescence.

Specific developmental disorder of scholastic skills; Pervasive developmental disorders, behavioural and emotional disorders, disorders of social functioning

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Hecker, S.E. & Thorpe, G.L. (2005). Introduction to clinical psychology: Science, practice & ethics. Delhi: Pearson Education, Inc.
  2. Adams, H.E., Sutker, P.B. (2001). Comprehensive handbook of psychopathology (3rd Ed.). New York: Kluwer Academic publishers.
  3. Millon, T., Blaney, P., & Davis, R.D. (1998). The oxford textbook of psychopathology. London: Oxford University Press.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Smith, N.W. (2001). Current systems in psychology: History, theory, research & applications. USA: Wadsworth/Thomson learning.
  2. American Psychological Association. (1998). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th .ed.): text revision (DSM-1V-TR). New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical  Publishers (pvt) Ltd
Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%

End semester examination (ESE) - 30%   


Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 30 marks

CIA 2: 35 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks 


All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass both the CIAs with a minimum of 33/65 to be eligible to write the ESE.


End Semester Examination (ESE)

The passing grade for the ESE is 40%

An overall grade of 40% is required to pass the course.(CIA+ESE)



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


his course is part of the first years master's program in Clinical Psychology and comprises a core methodology that underlies the understanding of both normal and abnormal human behaviour. This course contributes to the Clinical Psychology program objectives of (a) developing domain knowledge (b) enhancing observation skills and critical analysis (c) inculcating

evidence-based inference and finally (d) enhances self awareness and self regulation. At the same time the course also exemplifies the University expectation of excellence and service and contributes to the following graduate attributes of academic excellence, professional excellence and personal enhancement.

 This course will provide students with an understanding of normal mental processes and their relationship to brain, mind and behavior. This course will give an overview antecedents and influences on Cognitive Psychology and the basic concepts from an information-processing and computational perspective. Domain wise understanding of cognition will be highlighted in the understanding of attention and perception. The course will require the use of labs and experiments to demonstrate concepts in the course. Application to the practice of evaluating behaviour in the context of clinical psychology will be highlighted in this course.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Analyse theories and models of normal basic cognitive processes in written and oral form

CO2: Understand and evaluate disordered cognitive processes in written and oral form.

CO3: Evaluate the underlying mechanisms of cognitive processes through observations and experiments

CO4: Critically discuss and compare methods and tools

CO5: Analyse and report experiment data on cognitive processes

Teaching Hours:16
CO1:Analyse theories and models of normal basic cognitive processes in written and oral form

History & Emergence of Cognitive Science; Information Processing: Serial v/s Parallel Processing

Brain and Perception: Dorsal and Ventral pathways; Theories of Perception: Gestalt approach, Top–Down vs. Bottom- up Processing, Information Processing; Pattern Recognition: Feature detection analysis, Template matching, Prototype matching;

Basic Concepts: Divided attention, Selective Attention; Theories and current developments: Bottleneck and Capacity theories; Automatic and Controlled processing, switching attention

Architecture of Memory, Working Memory and Levels of processing;  Remembering: Autobiographical and eyewitness memories; traumatic and false memories, Confabulation; Models of Knowledge Representation: Semantic Memory, Episodic Memory, Procedural (Implicit and Explicit);


Teaching Hours:16
CO1:Analyse theories and models of normal basic cognitive processes in written and oral form

History & Emergence of Cognitive Science; Information Processing: Serial v/s Parallel Processing

Brain and Perception: Dorsal and Ventral pathways; Theories of Perception: Gestalt approach, Top–Down vs. Bottom- up Processing, Information Processing; Pattern Recognition: Feature detection analysis, Template matching, Prototype matching;

Basic Concepts: Divided attention, Selective Attention; Theories and current developments: Bottleneck and Capacity theories; Automatic and Controlled processing, switching attention

Architecture of Memory, Working Memory and Levels of processing;  Remembering: Autobiographical and eyewitness memories; traumatic and false memories, Confabulation; Models of Knowledge Representation: Semantic Memory, Episodic Memory, Procedural (Implicit and Explicit);


Teaching Hours:16
CO1:Analyse theories and models of normal basic cognitive processes in written and oral form

History & Emergence of Cognitive Science; Information Processing: Serial v/s Parallel Processing

Brain and Perception: Dorsal and Ventral pathways; Theories of Perception: Gestalt approach, Top–Down vs. Bottom- up Processing, Information Processing; Pattern Recognition: Feature detection analysis, Template matching, Prototype matching;

Basic Concepts: Divided attention, Selective Attention; Theories and current developments: Bottleneck and Capacity theories; Automatic and Controlled processing, switching attention

Architecture of Memory, Working Memory and Levels of processing;  Remembering: Autobiographical and eyewitness memories; traumatic and false memories, Confabulation; Models of Knowledge Representation: Semantic Memory, Episodic Memory, Procedural (Implicit and Explicit);


Teaching Hours:12
CO2: Understand and evaluate disordered cognitive processes in written and oral form

Achromatopsia, Akinetopsia, Optic Ataxia, Prosopagnosia, Aphantasia, Apraxia


Attention: Spatial Neglect, Pseudo Neglect, Extinction


Teaching Hours:12
CO2: Understand and evaluate disordered cognitive processes in written and oral form

Achromatopsia, Akinetopsia, Optic Ataxia, Prosopagnosia, Aphantasia, Apraxia


Attention: Spatial Neglect, Pseudo Neglect, Extinction


Teaching Hours:12
CO2: Understand and evaluate disordered cognitive processes in written and oral form

Achromatopsia, Akinetopsia, Optic Ataxia, Prosopagnosia, Aphantasia, Apraxia


Attention: Spatial Neglect, Pseudo Neglect, Extinction


Teaching Hours:12
CO3: Evaluate the underlying mechanisms of cognitive processes through observations and experiments

Experiments in Perception

Experiments in Attention


Teaching Hours:12
CO3: Evaluate the underlying mechanisms of cognitive processes through observations and experiments

Experiments in Perception

Experiments in Attention


Teaching Hours:12
CO3: Evaluate the underlying mechanisms of cognitive processes through observations and experiments

Experiments in Perception

Experiments in Attention


Teaching Hours:10
CO4: Critically discuss and compare methods and tools

Methods: Cognitive Tasks, EEG/ERP; Eye Tracking; fMRI, TMS, fNIRS; Studies on Perception; Studies on Attention

Teaching Hours:10
CO4: Critically discuss and compare methods and tools

Methods: Cognitive Tasks, EEG/ERP; Eye Tracking; fMRI, TMS, fNIRS; Studies on Perception; Studies on Attention

Teaching Hours:10
CO4: Critically discuss and compare methods and tools

Methods: Cognitive Tasks, EEG/ERP; Eye Tracking; fMRI, TMS, fNIRS; Studies on Perception; Studies on Attention

Teaching Hours:10
CO4:Analyse and report experiment data on cognitive processes

Experiments in Psychophysics, Signal Detection Theory; Experiments in Attention

Teaching Hours:10
CO4:Analyse and report experiment data on cognitive processes

Experiments in Psychophysics, Signal Detection Theory; Experiments in Attention

Teaching Hours:10
CO4:Analyse and report experiment data on cognitive processes

Experiments in Psychophysics, Signal Detection Theory; Experiments in Attention

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Matlin M W (2013) Cognitive Psychology. 8th Edition. John Wiley & Sons.

  2. Galotti, K.M. (2017). Cognitive Psychology In and Out of the Laboratory. 6th Edition. SAGE Publications, Inc.

  3. Kellogg, R.T. (2012) Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology. 2nd Edition, Sage South Asia.

  4. Smith, E. E. & Kosslyn, S (2013). Cognitive Psychology: Pearson New International Edition: Mind and Brain, Pearson.

  5. Goldstein B E (2010). Sensation and Perception (8th Edition) Wadsworth.

  6. Solso, R, L. (2014) Cognitive Psychology. 8th Edition. Pearson Education.

  7. Eysenck M.W. and Keane M.T. (2015) Cognitive Psychology: A Student's Handbook. 7th Edition. Psychology Press.

  8. Reed, S.K. (2007). Cognitive theories and applications. International Edition. 8th edition. Wadsworth.


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Lamberts K & Goldstone R L (2005) (Eds). Handbook of Cognition, Sage, London.

  2. Millar S (2008) Space and Sense. Essays in Cognitive Psychology. Psychology Press, England.  

  3. Stevens S, S. (1966) ( Ed) Hand book of Experimental Psychology, Wiley.

  4. Woodworth R S & Schlosberg H (1954). Experimental Psychology.


Evaluation Pattern
  • Evaluation Pattern: 

  • Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%

  • End semester examination (ESE) - 30%   

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

  • CIA 1: 30 marks

  • CIA 2: 35 Marks

  • Attendance: 5 marks 

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with a minimum overall CIA mark of 33/65 including class participation to be eligible to write the ESE. 

 End Semester Examination (ESE)

  • The passing grade for the ESE is 40%

  • An overall grade of 50% is required to pass the course.(CIA+ESE)



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course will cover issues in the assessment of personality using self-report measures and cognitive functions such as intelligence and memory. This course is meant to provide students with skills of administering, scoring, interpreting and conveying report in clinical settings using simulated labs and field exposure. A part of this course will be linked to community service course where students will conduct free assessment camps in community settings such as schools catering to poor students; NGO’s working with children etc.

The basic objective of this course is

      To introduce central concepts of psychological measurement – personality and cognitive functions.

      To critically examine psychometric considerations, methodologies, data acquisition, data analyses, and communications related to real world applications of using psychometrics within social science and educational environments.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand the theoretical background and psychometric structure of psychological tests

CO2: Skilfully and ethically administer, score, interpret and report relevant assessments in the domain of personality

CO3: Skilfully and ethically administer, score, interpret and report relevant assessments in the domain of intelligence

CO4: Skilfully and ethically administer, score, interpret and report relevant assessments in the domain of memory

Teaching Hours:2
CO1:Introduction and Psychometric properties of assessments

introduction and Psychometric properties of assessments in Personality, Intelligence and Memory

Teaching Hours:2
CO1:Introduction and Psychometric properties of assessments

introduction and Psychometric properties of assessments in Personality, Intelligence and Memory

Teaching Hours:2
CO1:Introduction and Psychometric properties of assessments

introduction and Psychometric properties of assessments in Personality, Intelligence and Memory

Teaching Hours:6
CO2:Assessment of Personality

Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF), Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI

Teaching Hours:6
CO2:Assessment of Personality

Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF), Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI

Teaching Hours:6
CO2:Assessment of Personality

Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF), Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI

Teaching Hours:16
CO3:Assessment of Intelligence and Memory

Raven’s Progressive matrices: Standard progressive matrices (SPM), Binet-Kamat test of Intelligence (BKT), Bhatia’s performance battery; Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scale, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), Wechsler Adult Performance Intelligence Test

Teaching Hours:16
CO3:Assessment of Intelligence and Memory

Raven’s Progressive matrices: Standard progressive matrices (SPM), Binet-Kamat test of Intelligence (BKT), Bhatia’s performance battery; Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scale, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), Wechsler Adult Performance Intelligence Test

Teaching Hours:16
CO3:Assessment of Intelligence and Memory

Raven’s Progressive matrices: Standard progressive matrices (SPM), Binet-Kamat test of Intelligence (BKT), Bhatia’s performance battery; Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scale, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), Wechsler Adult Performance Intelligence Test

Teaching Hours:6
CO4:Assessment of Memory

Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS), 

Teaching Hours:6
CO4:Assessment of Memory

Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS), 

Teaching Hours:6
CO4:Assessment of Memory

Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS), 

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Groth – Marnat, G (2003). Handbook of Psychological Assessment. John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey 
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Kaplan, R.M & Saccuzzo, D. P (2009). Psychological testing: Principles, Applications and Issues. 7 th Edition, Wadsworth, Belmont, USA
Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 20 marks

CIA 2: 25 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks


All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass both CIAs to pass the course



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Couse Description: This course is a continuation of Multicultural Counselling Skills–I (Adults). Here the student is trained in specific counselling skills and techniques used with children and adolescents, especially in educational settings. The student is also taught to integrate the skills learnt and apply to common issues seen among children and adolescents. 

Course Objectives : After the completion of this course, a student will be able to:

  • Recognize ethical and multicultural issues in counselling children and adolescents.
  • Demonstrate counselling skills in working with adolescents.
  • Demonstrate counselling skills in working with children.
  • Use counselling techniques in educational settings.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate sensitivity to aspects of ethics, multiculturalism, and counsellor- client relationship in working with children and adolescents.

CO2: Demonstrate the specific skills and process involved in counselling adolescent

CO3: Demonstrate the specific skills and process involved in counselling children

CO4: Conceptualize and apply counselling skills to common issues seen among children and adolescents.

Teaching Hours:15
Unit I - Ethical and Multicultural Issues

Review of counselling skills; The context of child counselling; the child-counsellor relationship; The context of adolescent counselling;  the adolescent-counsellor relationship; Ethical, multicultural issues and contextual factors in counselling children and adolescents,  Difference between counselling children, adolescents and adults.


Teaching Hours:15
Unit I - Ethical and Multicultural Issues

Review of counselling skills; The context of child counselling; the child-counsellor relationship; The context of adolescent counselling;  the adolescent-counsellor relationship; Ethical, multicultural issues and contextual factors in counselling children and adolescents,  Difference between counselling children, adolescents and adults.


Teaching Hours:15
Unit I - Ethical and Multicultural Issues

Review of counselling skills; The context of child counselling; the child-counsellor relationship; The context of adolescent counselling;  the adolescent-counsellor relationship; Ethical, multicultural issues and contextual factors in counselling children and adolescents,  Difference between counselling children, adolescents and adults.


Teaching Hours:15
UNIT II - Skills for Counselling Adolescents

The proactive counselling process; Observation; Active Listening; giving feedback, questioning,challenging,  Symbolic and creative strategies; Communication process with adolescents and use of language,  Symbolic strategies, Creative strategies, Behavioural & cognitive-behavioural strategies; Psychoeducational strategies, Use of technology

Teaching Hours:15
UNIT II - Skills for Counselling Adolescents

The proactive counselling process; Observation; Active Listening; giving feedback, questioning,challenging,  Symbolic and creative strategies; Communication process with adolescents and use of language,  Symbolic strategies, Creative strategies, Behavioural & cognitive-behavioural strategies; Psychoeducational strategies, Use of technology

Teaching Hours:15
UNIT II - Skills for Counselling Adolescents

The proactive counselling process; Observation; Active Listening; giving feedback, questioning,challenging,  Symbolic and creative strategies; Communication process with adolescents and use of language,  Symbolic strategies, Creative strategies, Behavioural & cognitive-behavioural strategies; Psychoeducational strategies, Use of technology

Teaching Hours:15
UNIT III - Skills for Counselling Children

Counselling approaches with children, therapeutic process with children, The phases of counselling children; Observation, Active listening; Use of questions,  Eliciting stories & emotions; Dealing with self-destructive beliefs; Use of media & activities; Facilitating change; Termination of session, Counselling children in groups.

Teaching Hours:15
UNIT III - Skills for Counselling Children

Counselling approaches with children, therapeutic process with children, The phases of counselling children; Observation, Active listening; Use of questions,  Eliciting stories & emotions; Dealing with self-destructive beliefs; Use of media & activities; Facilitating change; Termination of session, Counselling children in groups.

Teaching Hours:15
UNIT III - Skills for Counselling Children

Counselling approaches with children, therapeutic process with children, The phases of counselling children; Observation, Active listening; Use of questions,  Eliciting stories & emotions; Dealing with self-destructive beliefs; Use of media & activities; Facilitating change; Termination of session, Counselling children in groups.

Teaching Hours:15
UNIT IV - Skill Integration and Application

Applying counselling skills and strategies in various contexts - academic difficulties, emotional & behavioural issues; addiction; bullying; relationships & sexuality; career choices; abuse.

Teaching Hours:15
UNIT IV - Skill Integration and Application

Applying counselling skills and strategies in various contexts - academic difficulties, emotional & behavioural issues; addiction; bullying; relationships & sexuality; career choices; abuse.

Teaching Hours:15
UNIT IV - Skill Integration and Application

Applying counselling skills and strategies in various contexts - academic difficulties, emotional & behavioural issues; addiction; bullying; relationships & sexuality; career choices; abuse.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Geldard, K., Geldard, D., & Foo, R. Y. (2013). Counselling children: A practical introduction. Sage.
Geldard, K., Geldard, D., & Foo, R. Y. (2016). Counselling adolescents: The proactive approach for young people. Sage.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Ivey, A.E., & Ivey, M.B. (2007). Intentional interviewing and counselling. Thomson: Brooks/Cole.
Sherman, L. (2014). Skills in counselling and psychotherapy with children and young people. Sage.
Henderson, D. A., & Thompson, C. L. (2016). Counseling children. Cengage Learning.

Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%

End semester examination (ESE) - 30%   


Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 30 marks

CIA 2: 35 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks 


All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass both the CIAs with a minimum of 33/65 to be eligible to write the ESE.


End Semester Examination (ESE)

The passing grade for the ESE is 40%

An overall grade of 40% is required to pass the course.(CIA+ESE)


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description

In this course, students will spend four hours a week or a total of 30 hours during the semester involved in supervised community service. Students are encouraged to work alongside NGO’s or other professional bodies. Students will engage in activities such as children, adolescents and youth teaching/tutoring, community organization, psychological assessment, and mental health awareness. Reflections on their interactions are an integral part of this course. Student engagement will be assessed by the supervisor.

Course objectives

This course will help the learner 

      To choose a community-based organization that they are interested in working with. 

      To support organizations to help the community.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Identify community-based issues.

CO2: Provide assistance in community intervention programmes.

Teaching Hours:15
CO1:● Identify community-based issues.

Community service: The concept, Objectives and Scope; Need for community and Academia (University) interface. The role of a psychologist in community service: Social Psychologist, Community Psychologist & Counselor. Outcomes of community service: Personal outcome; Social outcome, Learning outcome and Career outcome.

Teaching Hours:15
CO1:● Identify community-based issues.

Community service: The concept, Objectives and Scope; Need for community and Academia (University) interface. The role of a psychologist in community service: Social Psychologist, Community Psychologist & Counselor. Outcomes of community service: Personal outcome; Social outcome, Learning outcome and Career outcome.

Teaching Hours:15
CO1:● Identify community-based issues.

Community service: The concept, Objectives and Scope; Need for community and Academia (University) interface. The role of a psychologist in community service: Social Psychologist, Community Psychologist & Counselor. Outcomes of community service: Personal outcome; Social outcome, Learning outcome and Career outcome.

Teaching Hours:15
CO2:Provide assistance in community intervention programmes.

Students in groups will partner with various NGO’s and organizations working in the areas of education, development, interventions and mental health. As part of the course requires the students will be involved in the community-oriented activities of the organizations they affiliate with. The NGO’s or Organizations along with the faculty coordinator will be responsible for the process delivery. These placements will offer students hands-on experiences in working with various issues in the community and facilitate meaningful learning

Teaching Hours:15
CO2:Provide assistance in community intervention programmes.

Students in groups will partner with various NGO’s and organizations working in the areas of education, development, interventions and mental health. As part of the course requires the students will be involved in the community-oriented activities of the organizations they affiliate with. The NGO’s or Organizations along with the faculty coordinator will be responsible for the process delivery. These placements will offer students hands-on experiences in working with various issues in the community and facilitate meaningful learning

Teaching Hours:15
CO2:Provide assistance in community intervention programmes.

Students in groups will partner with various NGO’s and organizations working in the areas of education, development, interventions and mental health. As part of the course requires the students will be involved in the community-oriented activities of the organizations they affiliate with. The NGO’s or Organizations along with the faculty coordinator will be responsible for the process delivery. These placements will offer students hands-on experiences in working with various issues in the community and facilitate meaningful learning

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Pawar, M. (2014). Social and Community Development Practice (1st ed.). Los Angeles: SAGE India.
  2. America’s Promise—The Alliance for Youth (2004). Connecting Communities with Colleges & Universities.  909 North Washington Street, Suite 400, Alexandria,VA 22314-1556.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Bringle, R. G. & Hatcher, J. A. (1996). Implementing Service-Learning in Higher Education.   The Journal of Higher Education, 67(2), 221-239.
  2. Swaminathan, M., & Baksi, S. (2018). How Do Small Farmers Fare? – Evidence from Village Studies in India. New Delhi: Tulika Books.
  3. Sarkar,S. (2015). Social Problems in India (1st  ed). Kalpaz Publications.


Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 20 marks

CIA 2: 25 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks


All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass both CIAs to pass the course

MPS331 - PSYCHOTHERAPY-I (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Psychotherapy-1 is a post graduate course offered in the third semester to students of Clinical Psychology (MPCL). The course aims to integrate the theoretical knowledge imparted through prior courses such as History  and Philosophy of Clinical Psychology (MPS 131), Theories of Personality (MPS 132), Biological foundations of Behaviour (MPS 135, MPS 235), Law and Ethics in Clinical Psychology (MPS 231), Psychopathology-1 (MPS 232) and Psycho Diagnostic Lab (MPS 251) with therapeutic skills than can be applied in clinical settings, thereby fostering  graduate attributes of academic excellence while upholding the vision of the department by nurturing professional development. Furthermore, it builds upon essential elements of functional competencies, ethical and reflective practise within the scientist-practioner model. This course has been conceptualized with an intention to orient students to the theoretical foundations, processes, skills and techniques underlying different psychotherapeutic approaches for the treatment and care of persons with mental illness.  A review of evidence-based practices for psychological interventions, ethical dilemmas in decision making, legal mandates for therapeutic professions and reflective practices in psychotherapy will explored. Designed as an introductory course in psychotherapy, it allows students to walk the bridge that connects theory with practise and in turn helps them comprehend and reflect on the psychotherapeutic assessments and interventions during their clinical internship

This course will help the learner understand 

·     The elements of psychotherapeutic process

·     Theoretical foundations underlying different psychotherapeutic approaches

·     Therapeutic skills and techniques unique to each psychotherapeutic approach

·     Evidence based practices for psychological interventions and their specific areas of application

·     The ethical guidelines that govern decision making during the therapeutic process

·     The need and significance of reflective practices in psychotherapy

Learning Outcome

CO1: Describe the psychotherapeutic process, discuss psychotherapy research, identify training needs and supervision requirements.

CO2: Describe the theoretical foundations underlying various psychotherapeutic approaches, the skills and techniques associated with them.

CO3: Identify evidence-based practices specific to particular mental health conditions.

CO4: Develop psychotherapeutic case formulations using different therapeutic approaches

CO5: Critique the strengths, limitations and the unique features associated with each form of psychotherapy.

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Describe the psychotherapeutic process, discuss psychotherapy research, identify training needs and supervision requirements.

Introduction; Psychotherapy research: Methods, outcomes, process issues; Training & Supervision of individual psychotherapists: Selection issues, personal motivating factors, theoretical learning, supervised clinical practicum, personal therapy, continuous professional/personal development; Other critical issues in psychotherapy

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Describe the psychotherapeutic process, discuss psychotherapy research, identify training needs and supervision requirements.

Introduction; Psychotherapy research: Methods, outcomes, process issues; Training & Supervision of individual psychotherapists: Selection issues, personal motivating factors, theoretical learning, supervised clinical practicum, personal therapy, continuous professional/personal development; Other critical issues in psychotherapy

Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Describe the theoretical foundations underlying various psychotherapeutic approaches, the skills and techniques associated with them.

Psychoanalytic, Brief Analytic, Object-Relations, and Interpersonal Approaches


Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Describe the theoretical foundations underlying various psychotherapeutic approaches, the skills and techniques associated with them.

Psychoanalytic, Brief Analytic, Object-Relations, and Interpersonal Approaches


Teaching Hours:15
CO3:Identify evidence-based practices specific to particular mental health conditions.

Client-Centered, Existential and Gestalt therapies

Teaching Hours:15
CO3:Identify evidence-based practices specific to particular mental health conditions.

Client-Centered, Existential and Gestalt therapies

Teaching Hours:15
CO3: Identify evidence-based practices specific to particular mental health conditions.

Behavioral therapy, Cognitive therapy (Beck), Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (Ellis). 

Teaching Hours:15
CO3: Identify evidence-based practices specific to particular mental health conditions.

Behavioral therapy, Cognitive therapy (Beck), Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (Ellis). 

Text Books And Reference Books:

Essential references:

1. Corey, G. (2017). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy (10th ed.).Boston, USA: Cengage Learning.

2. Barlow, D. (2014). Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders: A Step-by-Step Treatment Manual (5th ed.). New York: The Guilford Press.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Recommended references:

1. Herlihy, B., & Corey, G. (2014). ACA Ethical Standards Casebook (7th ed.). USA:Wiley.

2. Herlihy, B., & Corey, G. (2014). Boundary Issues in Counseling: Multiple Roles and Responsibilities, (3rd ed.). USA: Wiley.

3. Corey, G. (2012). Case Approach to Counseling and Psychotherapy (8th ed.). USA:Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.

4. Corey, G., Haynes, R., Moulten, P., & Mouratori, M. (2010). Clinical Supervision in the Helping Professions: A Practical Guide (2nd ed.). USA: Wiley.

5. Corey, G., & Schneider Corey, M. (2008). I Never Knew I Had A Choice: Explorations in Personal Growth (9th ed.). USA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.

6. Yalom, I. (2012). Love’s Executioner & Other Tales of Psychotherapy (2nd ed.). New York: Basic Books.

7. Corey, G., Schneider Corey, M., & Callanan, P. (2010). Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions (8th ed.). USA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.

8. Yalom, I. (2009). The Gift of Therapy: An Open Letter to a New Generation of Therapists and Their Patients (1st ed.). USA: Harper Collins ebooks.

9. Feltman, C. (2017). The Sage Handbook of Counselling and Psychotherapy (4th ed.).USA: Sage.

Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%
End semester examination (ESE) - 30%   

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)
CIA 1: 30 marks
CIA 2: 30 Marks
Class participation: 5 marks
Attendance: 5 marks 

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, they will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with a minimum overall CIA mark of 33/65 including class participation to be eligible to write the ESE. 

End Semester Examination (ESE)
The passing grade for the ESE is 40%
An overall grade of 50% is required to pass the course.(CIA+ESE)


MPS332 - PSYCHOTHERAPY-II (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course description: This course has been conceptualized in order to critically address theory informing group and family therapy and facilitate the development of mastery n developing treatment plans based on empirical research. This Course is meant to provide students of clinical psychology an opportunity to examine the theoretical underpinnings of group and family therapies. Students will be encouraged to view the historical and cultural contexts within which group psychotherapy and family and marital therapy (including couples counseling) has emerged.

Course objectives: This course will help the learner to

  • gain a familiarity with historical aspects of family and group therapies
  • assess and conceptualize dynamics that contribute to or maintain pathology
  • plan appropriate interventions to address the same

Learning Outcome

CO1: Understanding the systems based theoretical basis and assessment procedures in couple/marital and family therapy

CO2: Comparing the various theoretical approaches informing couples/marital therapy and its application.

CO3: Compare the various theoretical approaches informing family therapy and its application.

CO4: Examine the relevance of group therapy as a preferred mode of interventions in various contexts

Teaching Hours:15

Historical and cultural contexts for the development of Couples, Family and Group therapy. Developmental frameworks in Couples, Family and Group therapy.


Teaching Hours:15

Historical and cultural contexts for the development of Couples, Family and Group therapy. Developmental frameworks in Couples, Family and Group therapy.


Teaching Hours:15
Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy: Theoretical frameworks, Issues and therapeutic approaches for working with couples. Evidence based practice in couples therapy, Treatment planning, Emotion Focused Therapy, Gottman's approach to family therapy

Teaching Hours:15
Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy: Theoretical frameworks, Issues and therapeutic approaches for working with couples. Evidence based practice in couples therapy, Treatment planning, Emotion Focused Therapy, Gottman's approach to family therapy

Teaching Hours:15
Family Therapy

Family Therapy: Major Dominant theories of Family Therapy - classical, post modern and social contructivistic approaches. 

Teaching Hours:15
Family Therapy

Family Therapy: Major Dominant theories of Family Therapy - classical, post modern and social contructivistic approaches. 

Teaching Hours:15
Group Therapy

Group Therapy: Theories of group therapy, emergence of group interventions as de facto forms of treatment and brief forms of group therapy; Treatment planning using Group interventions – choice of treatment and modality. Review of evidence based models in Group therapy

Teaching Hours:15
Group Therapy

Group Therapy: Theories of group therapy, emergence of group interventions as de facto forms of treatment and brief forms of group therapy; Treatment planning using Group interventions – choice of treatment and modality. Review of evidence based models in Group therapy

Text Books And Reference Books:

1. Nichols, P.M & Schwartz C.R (2006). Family Therapy –concepts and methods, 7th edition, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, Pearson education, Inc.

2. Corey, G (2008) Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy, 8th edition, Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. Agazarian, Y. M. (1997), System-Centered Therapy for Groups, Guilford Press

2. Alonso, A., & Swiller, H.I. (1992) Group Therapy in Clinical Practice, American Psychiatric Press, Inc.

3. Bernard, H. S. & MacKenzie, K.R. (eds.) (1999), Basics of Group Psychotherapy, Guilford Press.

4. Bieling, P.J., MacCabe, R.E., & Antony, M.M. (2006).  Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Groups NY: Guilford Pub.

5. Bion, W.R. (1959) Experiences in Groups and other Courses. N.Y.: Basic Books.

6. Corey, M. & Corey,G. (1997) Groups: Process & Practice (5th ed.) Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

7. Dies, R.R. & MacKenzie, K.R. (1983) Advances in Group Psychotherapy: Integrating Research and Practice. N.Y.: International University Press.

8. Fehr, S.S. (1999) Introduction to Group Therapy: A Practical Guide. N.Y.:Haworth Press.

9. Foulkes, S.H. & Anthony, E.J. (1965) Group Psychotherapy: The Psychoanalytic Approach.London: Penguin Books.

10. Gazda, G.M. (1989) Group Counseling: A Developmental Approach (4th ed.) Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

11. Kaplan, H. & Sadock, B. (eds.) (1993) Comprehensive Group Psychotherapy ,3rd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.

12. Carter, B. & McGoldrick, M. (1999). The changing family life cycle. 3rd. Ed.Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

13. McGoldrick, M. & Gerson, R. (1999). Genograms in family assessment. 2nd.Ed. New York: Norton.

Evaluation Pattern


Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%

End semester examination (ESE) - 30%   


Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 30 marks

CIA 2: 35 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks 


All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass both the CIAs with a minimum of 33/65 to be eligible to write the ESE.


End Semester Examination (ESE)

The passing grade for the ESE is 40%

An overall grade of 40% is required to pass the course.(CIA+ESE)


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


social psychology to conceptualize the subject matter of the

social individual in its deepest sense. Building from the

preliminary knowledge of social psychology at the

undergraduate level, this course offers learners a more hands-on

experience in social behavior dynamics.

This course is structured to provide students with a culturally

informed and contextualized view of the discipline. Students are

encouraged to appreciate and analyze the changing cultural

diversity in the present Indian society, therefore, equipping them

to approach social issues with their implications. The course

Learning Outcome

CO1: Evaluate the historical and cultural context of social psychology as a discipline internationally and India.

CO2: Examine theoretical frameworks underlying social interaction and its relationship to social identity.

CO3: Relate knowledge of theory as well as current and past research in social psychology to situations in everyday life, such as interpersonal and group relations.

CO4: Evaluate the historical and cultural context of social psychology as a discipline internationally and India. CO2: Examine theoretical frameworks underlying social interaction and its relationship to social identity. CO4: Understand the nature, dynamics, and dimensions of interpersonal behavior.

Teaching Hours:14
unit 1

Definition and nature and growth of social psychology; Crisis of confidence in the discipline and its resolution.Development of social psychology in India;Currentstatusofthe discipline; Indigenization of social psychology.

Issuesinexperimental social psychology.

Emerging alternative researchmethodsinsocial psychology;Ethicalissues in social psychological research.uni

Teaching Hours:14
unit 1

Definition and nature and growth of social psychology; Crisis of confidence in the discipline and its resolution.Development of social psychology in India;Currentstatusofthe discipline; Indigenization of social psychology.

Issuesinexperimental social psychology.

Emerging alternative researchmethodsinsocial psychology;Ethicalissues in social psychological research.uni

Teaching Hours:16
unit 2

Self and identity: Culture and development of self, socialidentity,diverseand multiple identities; Roleof power, gender,sexuality, caste, class & ethnicity. Role of social representations: theories, resonance, homogenization, and abjection. Role of attributionandattitudesin cognizingothers’identity: Attribution- theories, biases and errors; Organizing and Changing


Teaching Hours:16
unit 2

Self and identity: Culture and development of self, socialidentity,diverseand multiple identities; Roleof power, gender,sexuality, caste, class & ethnicity. Role of social representations: theories, resonance, homogenization, and abjection. Role of attributionandattitudesin cognizingothers’identity: Attribution- theories, biases and errors; Organizing and Changing


Teaching Hours:12
unit 3

Persuasion and Propaganda techniques; Prejudice,Stereotypesand Discrimination: Theories of inter-group relations, reducing prejudice.

Dynamicsofinterpersonal relationships: Interpersonal attraction; Sexuality spectrum and intimacy. Diverse and complex relationships: Groups:Smallgroupsand their functions, social influence processes in groups. Aggression: Theories and individual differences in aggression; Violation & violence- interpersonal, genocide,


Teaching Hours:12
unit 3

Persuasion and Propaganda techniques; Prejudice,Stereotypesand Discrimination: Theories of inter-group relations, reducing prejudice.

Dynamicsofinterpersonal relationships: Interpersonal attraction; Sexuality spectrum and intimacy. Diverse and complex relationships: Groups:Smallgroupsand their functions, social influence processes in groups. Aggression: Theories and individual differences in aggression; Violation & violence- interpersonal, genocide,


Teaching Hours:18
unit 4

Cross-culturalpsychology: Diversity in socialization. Social psychologicalperspectivesonhealthand illness: Culture, personality and psychopathology; Traditional healing

methods;Cross-culturalaspects of coping. Environmental stresses and social behaviour: Psychological effects of unemployment;Socialand ethnic minorities and law;


Teaching Hours:18
unit 4

Cross-culturalpsychology: Diversity in socialization. Social psychologicalperspectivesonhealthand illness: Culture, personality and psychopathology; Traditional healing

methods;Cross-culturalaspects of coping. Environmental stresses and social behaviour: Psychological effects of unemployment;Socialand ethnic minorities and law;


Text Books And Reference Books:

Essential Readings



      Misra, G. and Dalal, A.K. (2001). Social Psychology in India: Evolution and Emergingtrends.InA.K.DalalandG.Misra(Eds.),NewdirectionsinIndian Psychology           (Vol 1: Social  Psychology). New Delhi: Sage

      Aronson,E.,Wilson,T.D.,andAkert,R.M.(1999).SocialPsychology(3rded.).New York: Longman.

      Baron,RobertA.andBranscombe,Nyla.R.(2012).SocialPsychology13thEdition. Upper saddle river : Pearson education


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


      Jahoda,G.(2016).SeventyYearsofSocialPsychology:ACulturalandPersonal Critique. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 4(1), 364-380.

      Moghaddam,F.M.(1987).Psychologyinthethreeworlds:Asreflectedbythecrisis in social psychology and the move toward indigenous third world psychology. American Psychologist, 42, 912-920.

      Sinha,D.(1998).ChangingperspectivesinsocialpsychologyinIndia:Ajourney towards indigenization. Asian Journal of Social Psychology 1 : 17-31

      Willing,C.(2008).IntroducingQualitativeResearchinPsychology:Adventuresin theory and method. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education (Chapter 2)

      Reicher,S.(2000).Againstmethodolatry:SomecommentsonElliott,Fischer,and Rennie. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 39, 1-6.

      Chambliss,D.F.&Schutt,R.K.(2016).Makingsenseofthesocialworld.Fifth edition. California, USA : Sage

      Milgram,S.(1969).Obedience[video].UniversityPark:PennsylvaniaState University.

      Markus,H.R.,&Kitayama,S.(1991).Cultureandtheself:Implicationsfor cognition, emotion, and motivation. Psychological review, 98(2), 224.


      Reicher,S.,Spears,R.,&Haslam,S.A.(2010).Thesocialidentityapproachinsocial psychology. In M. S. Wetherell & C. T. Mohanty (Eds.), Sage identities handbook (pp. 45-62). London, UK: Sage.

      Moghaddam,F.M.(1987).Psychologyinthethreeworlds:Asreflectedbythecrisis in social psychology and the move toward indigenous third world psychology. American Psychologist, 42, 912-920.

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern:



      Endsemesterexamination(ESE)-30% Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

      CIA1:30 marks

      CIA2:35 Marks

      Attendance:5 marks

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meetthepassinggradeforCIA,s/hewillhavetorepeattheCIAagainbeforemovingto the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with a minimum overall CIA mark of 26/65 including class participation to be eligible to write the ESE.




      Thepassing gradefortheESE is 40%

      Anoverallgradeof40% isrequiredto passthecourse.(CIA+ESE)


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course furthers the aims of psycho diagnostics – 1 and provides students with an opportunity to develop skills in assessment, administration and scoring and interpretation of psychological test ( projective, aptitude and neuropsychological with adults and childeren)




Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand the psychometric structure of psychological tests

CO2: Administer psychological assessments relevant to client needs Interpret the scores obtained on the assessments Develop a report and convey the findings to clients

CO3: Interpret the scores obtained on the assessments

CO4: Develop a report and convey the findings to clients

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Understand the psychometric structure of psychological tests & Administer psychological assessments relevant to client needs Interpret the scores obtained on the assessments

  • Rorschach Inkblot Test 
  • Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) 
  • Children’s Apperception Test (CAT) 
  • Sack’s Sentence Completion Test (SSCT) 
  • Raven’s Controlled Projection Test (RCPT)


Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Understand the psychometric structure of psychological tests & Administer psychological assessments relevant to client needs Interpret the scores obtained on the assessments

  • Rorschach Inkblot Test 
  • Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) 
  • Children’s Apperception Test (CAT) 
  • Sack’s Sentence Completion Test (SSCT) 
  • Raven’s Controlled Projection Test (RCPT)


Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Understand the psychometric structure of psychological tests & Administer psychological assessments relevant to client needs Interpret the scores obtained on the assessments


  • Differential Aptitude Test (DAT)  
  • Comprehensive Interest Schedule (CIS)
Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Understand the psychometric structure of psychological tests & Administer psychological assessments relevant to client needs Interpret the scores obtained on the assessments


  • Differential Aptitude Test (DAT)  
  • Comprehensive Interest Schedule (CIS)
Teaching Hours:15
Administer psychological assessments relevant to client needs Interpret the scores obtained on the assessments
  • Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS)  
  • Connor’s rating scale for Attention deficit hyperactive disorder
  • NIMHANS index for Specific learning disorders 
  • Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)




Teaching Hours:15
Administer psychological assessments relevant to client needs Interpret the scores obtained on the assessments
  • Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS)  
  • Connor’s rating scale for Attention deficit hyperactive disorder
  • NIMHANS index for Specific learning disorders 
  • Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)




Teaching Hours:15
Administer psychological assessments relevant to client needs Interpret the scores obtained on the assessments

  • Clinical Rating Scales: BDI, HDRS, HARS, CARS-training
  • Neuropsychological battery (adult)-training.             
  • Rosharch – Exner
  • TAT


Teaching Hours:15
Administer psychological assessments relevant to client needs Interpret the scores obtained on the assessments

  • Clinical Rating Scales: BDI, HDRS, HARS, CARS-training
  • Neuropsychological battery (adult)-training.             
  • Rosharch – Exner
  • TAT


Text Books And Reference Books:

  1. Groth – Marnat, G (2003). Handbook of Psychological Assessment. John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
  2. Kaplan, R.M & Saccuzzo, D. P (2009). Psychological testing: Principles, Applications and  Issues.  7th Edition,    Wadsworth, Belmont, USA



Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.Groth - Marnat, G. & Wright Jordan, A. ( 2016). Handbook of Psychological Assessment, 6th edition, Wiley, USA.

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern: 
Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%
End semester examination (ESE) - 30%   

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)
CIA 1: 30 marks
CIA 2: 35 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks 

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with a minimum CIA mark of 33/65 including class participation to be eligible to write the ESE. 

End Semester Examination (ESE)
The passing grade for the ESE is 40%
An overall grade of 50% is required to pass the course.(CIA+ESE)


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course aims at providing students with the skills of clinical interviewing, focusing on specific techniques and techniques

to interview specific clinical population and help them prepare for clinical work in their practicum.

Course Objectives:

This course will help the learner

1. Understand and develop skills of assessment and case history taking in specific clinical population.


2. Develop specific techniques that promote positive Doctor-Patient relationship.

Learning Outcome

CO 1: Conduct a clinical interview and create report including case history and MSE for Children.

CO 2: Develop skills to interview difficult patients.

CO 3: Develop specific interview techniques promoting patient doctor relationship.

CO 4: Demonstrate motivational interviewing skills.

Teaching Hours:30
Clinical Interview Skills

Specific techniques: Facilitating interventions: Reinforcement, reflection, summarizing, education, Reassurance, encouragement,

acknowledgement to emotion, Humour, Silence. Nonverbal Communication; Expanding Interventions: Clarifying, Associations, Leading, Probing,

Transitions, Redirecting. Obstructive Interventions: Closed- Ended question, Compound questions, why questions, judgemental questions, or

Statements, Minimizing patient’s concerns, premature advice, Premature interpretations, Transition.

Interviewing the difficult Patient: Patients with Psychosis, Depressed and potentially suicidal patients, Hostile Agitated and Potentially violent

patients, Deceptive patients.


Clinical history taking; Mental Status Examination for children

Teaching Hours:30
Clinical Interview Skills

Specific techniques: Facilitating interventions: Reinforcement, reflection, summarizing, education, Reassurance, encouragement,

acknowledgement to emotion, Humour, Silence. Nonverbal Communication; Expanding Interventions: Clarifying, Associations, Leading, Probing,

Transitions, Redirecting. Obstructive Interventions: Closed- Ended question, Compound questions, why questions, judgemental questions, or

Statements, Minimizing patient’s concerns, premature advice, Premature interpretations, Transition.

Interviewing the difficult Patient: Patients with Psychosis, Depressed and potentially suicidal patients, Hostile Agitated and Potentially violent

patients, Deceptive patients.


Clinical history taking; Mental Status Examination for children

Teaching Hours:30
Motivational Interviewing

What is motivational interviewing, The method of Motivational Interviewing, Engaging, Focusing, Evoking and Planning. Motivational


Interviewing in everyday practice.

Teaching Hours:30
Motivational Interviewing

What is motivational interviewing, The method of Motivational Interviewing, Engaging, Focusing, Evoking and Planning. Motivational


Interviewing in everyday practice.

Text Books And Reference Books:

William, R. M & Stephen, R. (2013) Motivational Interviewing; Helping People with change New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Sadock, B. J., Sadock, V. A., & Ruiz, P. (2015). Kaplan & Sadock's synopsis of psychiatry: Behavioral sciences/clinical psychiatry (Eleventh

edition.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.

Ivey, A., Ivey, M., & Zalaquett, C (2009). Intentional Interviewing and counseling :Facilitating client development in a multicultural society.


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


Evaluation Pattern

 Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%

End semester examination (ESE) - 30%   


Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 30 marks

CIA 2: 35 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks 


All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass both the CIAs with a minimum of 33/65 to be eligible to write the ESE.


End Semester Examination (ESE)

The passing grade for the ESE is 40%

An overall grade of 40% is required to pass the course.(CIA+ESE)




Total Teaching Hours for Semester:0
No of Lecture Hours/Week:0
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: Students shall complete an observership at an agency providing mental health services for a minimum of 30 days. 

Course Objectives: The course will give an opportunity to

  • Observe clinical practice under the supervision of a mental health professional.
  • Understand different facets of clinical practice 

Learning Outcome

CO1: Observe clinical practice under the supervision of a mental health professional.

CO2: Understand different facets of clinical practice

Teaching Hours:0
Processing Learning Outcomes

Observing clinical practice, note taking, Reflection and analysis

Teaching Hours:0
Processing Learning Outcomes

Observing clinical practice, note taking, Reflection and analysis

Text Books And Reference Books:

1. Friedman, H. S. (2015). Encyclopedia of mental health. Academic Press.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. Stricker, G., & Gold, J. R. (Eds.). (2013). Comprehensive handbook of psychotherapy integration. Springer Science & Business Media.


Evaluation Pattern

Students are expected to submit their log sheets, a reflective essay and case summaries and briefly present the same which would be evaluated and graded out of 50 marks


The student must get a minimum of 25/50 to pass the course

MPS373 - FIELD INTERNSHIP (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:0
No of Lecture Hours/Week:0
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


      This is a 3rd semester internship for 30 days, placed twice a week during the semester. Students are required to search, examineand carvetheir nichein thefield. The basicpurposeofthisinternshipistocreateawarenessfor the students about the areas that they want to specialize in and also to charter their future course of action.

      Bytheend oftheinternship, thestudentshall beableto


Understandandbridgethegapbetweenthetheoretical knowledge and practical skills they have gained in four semesters,in a clinical setting of their choice and interest

Learning Outcome

CO1: Apply the theoretical knowledge and practical skills

Teaching Hours:0
Application of theoretical knowledge


Teaching Hours:0
Application of theoretical knowledge


Text Books And Reference Books:


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


Evaluation Pattern


Studentsareexpectedtosubmittheirlogsheets,areflectiveessayandcasesummariesand briefly present the same which would be evaluated and graded out of 50 marks

Thestudent mustget aminimumof 25/50 topass thecourse


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course has been conceptualized to empower the students with skills of preparing a research manuscript and aiming to publish the same. 

Course Objective

This course will help the learner to gain familiarity and develop skills associated with the processes of data collection, data analysis, writing a manuscript and publishing it. 


Learning Outcome

CO1: Identify appropriate journals for publication

CO2: Create a research manuscript

CO3: By the end of the course, the learner will be able to CO1: Identify appropriate journals CO3: Critically evaluate the work of self and peers

Teaching Hours:30
Unit 1

Identifying appropriate research journals, preparing manuscripts according to author guidelines. 

Teaching Hours:30
Unit 1

Identifying appropriate research journals, preparing manuscripts according to author guidelines. 

Text Books And Reference Books:

1. Barker, C., & Pistrang, N. (2015). Research methods in clinical psychology: An introduction for students and practitioners. John Wiley & Sons.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. Giles, D. (2013). Advanced research methods in psychology. Routledge.

Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%

End semester examination (ESE) - 30%   


Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 30 marks

CIA 2: 35 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks 


All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass both the CIAs with a minimum of 33/65 to be eligible to write the ESE.


End Semester Examination (ESE)

The passing grade for the ESE is 40%

An overall grade of 40% is required to pass the course.(CIA+ESE)



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


India has a rich cultural heritage which culminates into its own well defined knowledge system. These knowledge systems pertain to many facets of life including health andmedicine. With the overarching goal of making the students aware of the IndianknowledgesystemsasemphasizedbytheNewEducation Policy 2020, this course on Indian system of health and healing has the following objectives:

      To orient the students of clinical psychology to the rich heritageofIndianknowledgepertainingtohealth,mental health, mental illness and indigenous practices ofhealing.

      TocompareandcontrastIndiansystemsvis-a-vis western systems.

      Toenablethestudents toincorporatetheIndian concepts

intheirclinicalconceptualizationsandtreatment planning

Learning Outcome

CO1: The learners will develop an understanding of Indian systems of health and healing.

CO2: The learners will be able to incorporate the Indian concepts in conceptualization and treatment planning of clinical cases.

Teaching Hours:10
Indian Knowledge Systems and Human Psychology

Indian Knowledge Systems-nature,notable texts (vedas, upanishad, charak samhita, Bhagvad Gita, Patanjali’s yoga sutra); Mind, personality and emotions in Indian thought - atman, prakriti, pursha, panchbhootas, panchkoshas, tridoshas, trigunas,rasas,asaktiand anasakti

Teaching Hours:10
Indian Knowledge Systems and Human Psychology

Indian Knowledge Systems-nature,notable texts (vedas, upanishad, charak samhita, Bhagvad Gita, Patanjali’s yoga sutra); Mind, personality and emotions in Indian thought - atman, prakriti, pursha, panchbhootas, panchkoshas, tridoshas, trigunas,rasas,asaktiand anasakti

Teaching Hours:10
Indian Knowledge Systems and Human Psychology

Indian Knowledge Systems-nature,notable texts (vedas, upanishad, charak samhita, Bhagvad Gita, Patanjali’s yoga sutra); Mind, personality and emotions in Indian thought - atman, prakriti, pursha, panchbhootas, panchkoshas, tridoshas, trigunas,rasas,asaktiand anasakti

Teaching Hours:10
Conceptualization and Classification of Psychopathology in Indian Thought

Concept of health and mental illness in Indian thought, Pathogenesis and classification of mental disorders in ayurveda, Bhagvad Gita on mental illness,psychometrictools based on indian concepts

Teaching Hours:10
Conceptualization and Classification of Psychopathology in Indian Thought

Concept of health and mental illness in Indian thought, Pathogenesis and classification of mental disorders in ayurveda, Bhagvad Gita on mental illness,psychometrictools based on indian concepts

Teaching Hours:10
Conceptualization and Classification of Psychopathology in Indian Thought

Concept of health and mental illness in Indian thought, Pathogenesis and classification of mental disorders in ayurveda, Bhagvad Gita on mental illness,psychometrictools based on indian concepts

Teaching Hours:10
Indian Perspectives on Healing and Therapy

PsychotherapyinBhagvad Gita; Ayurveda psychotherapy - sattvavajaya chikitsa; Yoga and meditation - ashtanga yoga, sahaja yoga,pranichealing,yoga and mental health, recent research evidence for the effectiveness of yoga in treatment and prevention of mental illnesses.

SiddhaMedicineand mental illness

Teaching Hours:10
Indian Perspectives on Healing and Therapy

PsychotherapyinBhagvad Gita; Ayurveda psychotherapy - sattvavajaya chikitsa; Yoga and meditation - ashtanga yoga, sahaja yoga,pranichealing,yoga and mental health, recent research evidence for the effectiveness of yoga in treatment and prevention of mental illnesses.

SiddhaMedicineand mental illness

Teaching Hours:10
Indian Perspectives on Healing and Therapy

PsychotherapyinBhagvad Gita; Ayurveda psychotherapy - sattvavajaya chikitsa; Yoga and meditation - ashtanga yoga, sahaja yoga,pranichealing,yoga and mental health, recent research evidence for the effectiveness of yoga in treatment and prevention of mental illnesses.

SiddhaMedicineand mental illness

Text Books And Reference Books:

1.     Srivastava,K.(2012).Conceptofpersonality:Indianperspective.Industrial Psychiatry Journal, 21(2), 89.

2.     Ottilingam, S., Murthy, T., & Raghavan, V. (2015). Mental health: concepts and treatmentintheSiddha(Tamil)systemofmedicine.ASEANJournalofPsychiatry, 16(2), 1-6.

3.     Ravishankar, B., & Shukla, V. J. (2007). Indian systems of medicine: a brief profile. AfricanJournalofTraditional,ComplementaryandAlternativeMedicines,4(3),319- 337.

4.     Belaguli,G.,&Savitha,H.P.(2019).Anempiricalunderstandingontheconceptof Sattvavajaya Chikitsa (Ayurveda Psychotherapy) and a mini-review of its research

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


1.     Kumar,N.(2022).MentalHealthandWell-being:AnIndianPsychologyPerspective. Taylor & Francis.

2.     Kapoor,K.(2005).Indianknowledgesystems.A.K.Singh(Ed.).IndianInstituteof advanced study.

3.     Raman,S.(2011).SahajaYoga-TheSecrettoSelf-UnfoldmentandTransformation. AuthorHouse.

Evaluation Pattern



Evaluation Pattern:


ContinuousInternalAssessment (CIA)


      CIA1:20 marks

      CIA2:25 Marks

      Attendance:5 marks

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he,they will have to repeat the CIA again before movingtothenextCIA.ThestudentmustpassalltheCIAcomponentswithanoverall CIA mark of 25/50 to pass the course.


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Thiselectiveisaimedatprovidingstudentsanunderstandingof the inter-links between psychology and education. Application of psychological principles to educational settings will be imparted in this course. An understanding of biological foundations of behaviour and developmental psychology is a prerequisite for this course. Completion of this course would equip students to deliver clinical interventions in educational settings.


      UnderstandtheEducationalPsychologyfield, Interventions and Research Models.

      GainknowledgeofEducationalPsychologytheoriesand conceptual frameworks.

      Develop skills on various models and strategies of EducationalPsychologyassessmentandintervention with students, parents, teachers, educators and other professionals.

Developacritical,creativeandintendedapproach regarding psychological intervention in different educational settings.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand key issues and develop effective solutions CO2: Evaluate study methodology and scientific basis of findings CO3: Demonstrate various Childhood disorders and its implications in classroom teaching and learning CO4: Explore a case with learning disability

CO2: Understand key issues and develop effective solutions CO2: Evaluate study methodology and scientific basis of findings CO3: Demonstrate various Childhood disorders and its implications in classroom teaching and learning CO4: Explore a case with learning disability

CO3: Understand key issues and develop effective solutions CO2: Evaluate study methodology and scientific basis of findings CO3: Demonstrate various Childhood disorders and its implications in classroom teaching and learning CO4: Explore a case with learning disability

CO4: Understand key issues and develop effective solutions CO2: Evaluate study methodology and scientific basis of findings CO3: Demonstrate various Childhood disorders and its implications in classroom teaching and learning CO4: Explore a case with learning disability

Teaching Hours:15
unit 1

Unit I: Introduction to Educational Psychology; Educational Psychologists intervention & ResearchinEducationalPsychology Applied Theoretical Frameworks of Learning, Teaching and Development

Motivation and Learning;Metacognition, Self-regulation and Learning

Teaching Hours:15
unit 1

Unit I: Introduction to Educational Psychology; Educational Psychologists intervention & ResearchinEducationalPsychology Applied Theoretical Frameworks of Learning, Teaching and Development

Motivation and Learning;Metacognition, Self-regulation and Learning

Teaching Hours:15
unit 2

Vocational CounselingandGuidance; Indiscipline, Teacher- Student Relationship and Classroom management

Learning disabilities,Specialneeds & Multicultural

classrooms; Parenting EducationPrevention Approaches in Educational settings

Learning disabilities,Specialneeds & Multicultural classrooms; Parenting Education Prevention Approaches in Educational settings

Teaching Hours:15
unit 2

Vocational CounselingandGuidance; Indiscipline, Teacher- Student Relationship and Classroom management

Learning disabilities,Specialneeds & Multicultural

classrooms; Parenting EducationPrevention Approaches in Educational settings

Learning disabilities,Specialneeds & Multicultural classrooms; Parenting Education Prevention Approaches in Educational settings

Text Books And Reference Books:

Essential Readings

1.     Frederickson,N.,Miller,A.&Cline,T.(2008).EducationalPsychology.London: Hodder Education.

2.     Rubie-Davies,C.(Ed.)(2011).EducationalPsychologyConcepts,Researchand Challenges. New York: Routledge.

3.     Brophy,J.(2010). MotivatingStudents toLearn (3rdedition). NewYork: Routledge.

4.     Smith,T.,Polloway,E.,Patton,J.&Dowdy,C.(2012).TeachingStudentswith Special Needs in Inclusive Settings (6th edition). New Delhi: PHI Learning.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


1.     1.Woolfolk,A.(2004).Educationalpsychology(9thed.).NewDelhi:Pearson Education.

2.     Robinson,S.(2009).FoundationofEducationalPsychology(2nded.).NewDelhi: Ane Books.


Evaluation Pattern





ContinuousInternalAssessment (CIA)


      CIA1:25 marks

      CIA2:25 Marks

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he,they will have to repeat the CIA again before movingtothenextCIA.ThestudentmustpassalltheCIAcomponentswithanoverall CIA mark of 25/50 to pass the course.


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Forensic Psychology is the application of psycvhology in the aid of legal investoigation, which looks into the vast psychological perspective and applies them to legal investigations including issues such as public policies, new laws, competency and also the mental state of a defendant.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Better understanding the legal aspects of the forensic psychology and learning the art of studying human mind and behaviour especialy criminals.

Teaching Hours:8
CO1: Better understanding the legal aspects of the forensic psychology and learning the art of studying human mind and behaviour especialy criminals.

•Forensic Science: Definition, history and development - scope and need of forensic science in the criminal justice system

•Forensic Psychology: Definition and scope - Sub-specializations of forensic psychology- Relationship between psychology and law- Relationship between forensic psychology, criminology and criminal psychology- Ethical issues in forensic psychology.

•Daubert standard and Frye standard- Mc’Naughten rule- Insanity definition in Indian Penal Code (IPC section 84): Legal and medical insanity- Stages of mind.

•Forensic Psychology research methods

Teaching Hours:8
CO1: Better understanding the legal aspects of the forensic psychology and learning the art of studying human mind and behaviour especialy criminals.

•Forensic Science: Definition, history and development - scope and need of forensic science in the criminal justice system

•Forensic Psychology: Definition and scope - Sub-specializations of forensic psychology- Relationship between psychology and law- Relationship between forensic psychology, criminology and criminal psychology- Ethical issues in forensic psychology.

•Daubert standard and Frye standard- Mc’Naughten rule- Insanity definition in Indian Penal Code (IPC section 84): Legal and medical insanity- Stages of mind.

•Forensic Psychology research methods

Teaching Hours:6
CO1: Better understanding the legal aspects of the forensic psychology and learning the art of studying human mind and behaviour especialy criminals.

•History of crime- Criminal behaviour: Definition and causal factors (biological, psychological and social factors).

•Schools of Criminology: Pre-classical thought, Classical school of thought, Neo-Classical and Positive school of thought.

 •Psychobiology of crime: Introduction- Inhibitive and disinhibitory systems in the brain, Frontal controlling functions and response inhibition.


Teaching Hours:6
CO1: Better understanding the legal aspects of the forensic psychology and learning the art of studying human mind and behaviour especialy criminals.

•History of crime- Criminal behaviour: Definition and causal factors (biological, psychological and social factors).

•Schools of Criminology: Pre-classical thought, Classical school of thought, Neo-Classical and Positive school of thought.

 •Psychobiology of crime: Introduction- Inhibitive and disinhibitory systems in the brain, Frontal controlling functions and response inhibition.


Teaching Hours:8
CO1: Better understanding the legal aspects of the forensic psychology and learning the art of studying human mind and behaviour especialy criminals.

·       Interrogation and Confession: Reid Techniques in Interrogation of Suspects.

·       Eye-witness Testimony: Assessment of false memory, Confabulations and Contamination of Eye-Witness Witnesses

·       Court Structure and Jurisdiction- Civil and Criminal courts- Stages in Judicial Process in forensic psychological cases.

·       The Criminal Psychopath- General behavioural characteristics of psychopaths - Antisocial Personality Disorder and Psychopathy- Prevalence of criminal psychopathy- Offending patterns of criminal psychopaths.

·       Criminal Homicide-Multiple Murder, Serial Killers, Mass Murders.

Teaching Hours:8
CO1: Better understanding the legal aspects of the forensic psychology and learning the art of studying human mind and behaviour especialy criminals.

·       Interrogation and Confession: Reid Techniques in Interrogation of Suspects.

·       Eye-witness Testimony: Assessment of false memory, Confabulations and Contamination of Eye-Witness Witnesses

·       Court Structure and Jurisdiction- Civil and Criminal courts- Stages in Judicial Process in forensic psychological cases.

·       The Criminal Psychopath- General behavioural characteristics of psychopaths - Antisocial Personality Disorder and Psychopathy- Prevalence of criminal psychopathy- Offending patterns of criminal psychopaths.

·       Criminal Homicide-Multiple Murder, Serial Killers, Mass Murders.

Teaching Hours:8
CO1: Better understanding the legal aspects of the forensic psychology and learning the art of studying human mind and behaviour especialy criminals.

·       Criminal Profiling: Introduction- Types of profiling: Inductive and Deductive profiling- Process of profiling- FBI stages of profiling.

·       Polygraph: Instrumentation, principles and procedure- Methods of formulation of relevant, irrelevant and control questions- Scoring and analysis.

·       Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling (BEOS): Principles and procedure- Designing of probes: audio and visual.

·       Narco Analysis: History- Principles and procedure. 

·       The legal status of forensic psychological tests in India.

Teaching Hours:8
CO1: Better understanding the legal aspects of the forensic psychology and learning the art of studying human mind and behaviour especialy criminals.

·       Criminal Profiling: Introduction- Types of profiling: Inductive and Deductive profiling- Process of profiling- FBI stages of profiling.

·       Polygraph: Instrumentation, principles and procedure- Methods of formulation of relevant, irrelevant and control questions- Scoring and analysis.

·       Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling (BEOS): Principles and procedure- Designing of probes: audio and visual.

·       Narco Analysis: History- Principles and procedure. 

·       The legal status of forensic psychological tests in India.

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1.  Bartol C. R., & Bartol A. M. (2011).  Criminal behavior: a psychological approach. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.
  2.  Hickey E. W. (2010).  Serial murderers and their victims. Belmont, California: Wadsworth.
  3.   Silverman, Robert A., Kennedy, Leslie W. (1988). Women who kill their children: violence and victims, Vol 3(2).
  4.  Weisheit, Ralph A. (1986). When mothers kill their children: the social science journal. Volume 23, issue 4




Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Resnick, Phillip J. (1969). Child murder by parents: a psychiatric review of filicide. Am J Psychiatry.
  2.    Wrightsman, Lawrence S. Forensic psychology. Belmont, California: Wadsworth/Thomason Learning.
Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern:

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)
CIA 1: 20 marks
CIA 2: 25 Marks
Class participation & Attendance: 5 marks

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with an overall CIA mark of 25/50 to pass the course.


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course suitable for post graduate students of Counselling and Clinical Psychology intends to deepen their theoretical understanding of sexual dysfunctions and sex therapy, train them in empirically proven techniques of individual and couple sex therapy across behavioural, cognitive, emotion focussed and systemic frameworks. The students will be equipped to critically appraise the research literature in the area, conceptualize research on sex therapy as well as get comfortable in handling clients with sexual dysfunctions.

Course Objectives:

  • A thorough understanding of normal sexual functioning, deviations from normality, types of male and female sexual dysfunctions.
  • Familiarisation with the intricacies, therapist qualities, interviewing strategies, application of culturally appropriate intervention strategies in the context of sex therapy.
  • Acquiring an overview of current status of research in sexuality and sex therapy, and ability to conceptualize process and outcome research.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Appreciate the interplay of biological, social and psychological factors in normal sexual behavior and in sexual dysfunction

CO2: Delineate and describe culturally appropriate individual and couple sex therapy techniques.

CO3: Critically evaluate the historical and current research in the area of sexuality and sex therapy.

CO4: Conceptualize research on sexual dysfunctions and sex therapy.

Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to sexuality

Psychosexual development. Models of sexual functioning (Medical, Cognitive behavioural, Experiential). Distinguishing between normal and dysfunctional sexual behaviour. Classification of male and female dysfunctions.

Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to sexuality

Psychosexual development. Models of sexual functioning (Medical, Cognitive behavioural, Experiential). Distinguishing between normal and dysfunctional sexual behaviour. Classification of male and female dysfunctions.

Teaching Hours:8
Assessment in Sex Therapy

Qualities of a sex therapist. Models of sex therapy. Clinical evaluation and Psychometric assessment in sex therapy. Techniques in sex therapy. Sex therapy with single individuals.

Teaching Hours:8
Assessment in Sex Therapy

Qualities of a sex therapist. Models of sex therapy. Clinical evaluation and Psychometric assessment in sex therapy. Techniques in sex therapy. Sex therapy with single individuals.

Teaching Hours:7
Couple Sexual Interactions

Normal and dysfunctional couple sexual interactions. Systemic approaches to couple sex therapy. Processes in integration of sex and couple therapy. Challenges in sex therapy.

Teaching Hours:7
Couple Sexual Interactions

Normal and dysfunctional couple sexual interactions. Systemic approaches to couple sex therapy. Processes in integration of sex and couple therapy. Challenges in sex therapy.

Teaching Hours:7
History and Evolution, Critical Evaluation

History and evolution of sex therapy research. Critical evaluation. Current trends and future directions in the area of sex therapy. Conceptualising culturally sensitive process and outcome research in sex therapy.

Teaching Hours:7
History and Evolution, Critical Evaluation

History and evolution of sex therapy research. Critical evaluation. Current trends and future directions in the area of sex therapy. Conceptualising culturally sensitive process and outcome research in sex therapy.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Masters, W. H., & Masters, V. J. (1980). Human sexual inadequacy. Bantam Books.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Hawton, K. (1985). Sex therapy: A practical guide. Oxford University Press.

Hertlein, K. M., Weeks, G. R., & Gambescia, N. (Eds.). (2009). Systemic sex therapy. New York, NY: Routledge.

LoPiccolo, J., & LoPiccolo, L. (Eds.). (2012). Handbook of sex therapy. Springer Science & Business Media.

Weeks, G. R. (2013). Integrating sex and marital therapy: A clinical guide. Routledge.

Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 20 marks

CIA 2: 25 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks


All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass both CIAs to pass the course



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course aims at imparting knowledge on concepts of crisis and trauma. It will provide inputs on stages of crisis and trauma, and skills for dealing with crisis and trauma at personal,interpersonal and community levels. This course will also help the students gain knowledge on techniques relevant to crisis and trauma management and enable the students to understand the clinical outcome of crisis and trauma events so that they are able to plan out strategic interventions accordingly

Course Objectives:

  • To provide the students an opportunity to learn the concept of Crisis and Trauma Counselling - skills training, case management and family education
  • To educate the students on crisis and trauma assessments and legislations related to it

Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand the concepts and stages of crisis and trauma

CO2: Evaluate the trauma using Assessment strategies useful in the area of crisis and trauma counseling

CO3: Create a model of intervention using crisis and trauma theories and approaches

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Understand the concepts and stages of crisis and trauma

Crisis Phases - Models of Crisis & Assessment ;Trauma Phases - models of trauma & Assessment

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Understand the concepts and stages of crisis and trauma

Crisis Phases - Models of Crisis & Assessment ;Trauma Phases - models of trauma & Assessment

Teaching Hours:15
CO1: Understand the concepts and stages of crisis and trauma

Crisis Phases - Models of Crisis & Assessment ;Trauma Phases - models of trauma & Assessment

Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Evaluate the trauma using Assessment strategies useful in the area of crisis and trauma counseling CO3: Create a model of intervention using crisis and trauma theories and approaches

Different models of interventions;Issues and challenges in trauma management

Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Evaluate the trauma using Assessment strategies useful in the area of crisis and trauma counseling CO3: Create a model of intervention using crisis and trauma theories and approaches

Different models of interventions;Issues and challenges in trauma management

Teaching Hours:15
CO2: Evaluate the trauma using Assessment strategies useful in the area of crisis and trauma counseling CO3: Create a model of intervention using crisis and trauma theories and approaches

Different models of interventions;Issues and challenges in trauma management

Text Books And Reference Books:

1. Briere, J. & Scott, C. (2006). Principles of Trauma Therapy: A Guide to Symptoms,Evaluation, and Treatment. USA: Sage Publications.

2. Dass-Brailsford, P. (2007). A Practical Approach to Trauma: Empowering Interventions. USA: Sage Publications.

3. Gilliland, Burl E. & James, Richard K. (1998). Crisis Intervention Strategies. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company: USA.

4. Bisson JI, Roberts N, Macho G. The Cardiff traumatic stress initiative: an evidence-based approach to early psychological intervention following traumatic

events. Psychiatric Bulletin. 2003;27:145–147.

5. Başoğlu M, Salcıoğlu E, Livanou M, et al. Single-session behavioural treatment ofearthquake-related posttraumatic stress disorder: a randomised controlled trial. J

Trauma Stress. 2005;18(1):1–11. 

6. Bryant RA. Early predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder. BiologicalPsychiatry. 2003;53:789–795.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. Levers, L. L. (2012). Trauma counseling: Theories and Interventions. New York: Springer Pub.

2. Briere, J. (2012). Working with trauma: Mindfulness and compassion. In C. K. Germer & R. D. Siegel (Eds.), Wisdom and compassion in psychotherapy (pp. 265 279). NewYork, NY: Guilford.

Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)
CIA 1: 20 marks
CIA 2: 25 Marks
Class participation & Attendance: 5 marks

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with an overall CIA mark of 25/50 to pass the course.


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course has been conceptualized in order to familiarize the students with the basic philosophy, assessment and treatment strategies of cognitive behavioral therapy.

This course will help the learner to

  • Understand the core theoretical concepts of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, disorder-specific models of case conceptualization and interventions.
  • Analyze and apply evidence-based practices in psychotherapy research pertaining to CBT

Learning Outcome

CO1: Conduct a functional behavioral assessment of a client's presenting problems

CO2: Conceptualize a case using CBT models

CO3: Critically evaluate existing literature on CBT

Teaching Hours:15
Unit 1

Introduction and theoretical basis of CBT. Assessment and Formulation, Goal setting in CBT, Cognitive restructuring techniques

Teaching Hours:15
Unit 1

Introduction and theoretical basis of CBT. Assessment and Formulation, Goal setting in CBT, Cognitive restructuring techniques

Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2

CBT for mood disorders, anxiety disorders, third wave CBT, recent developments

Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2

CBT for mood disorders, anxiety disorders, third wave CBT, recent developments

Text Books And Reference Books:

1.Sharf, R.S. (2000). Theories of psychotherapy and counseling: Concepts and cases (2nd  Ed.). Singapore: Brooks/Cole.

2.Hofmann, S. G. (2012). An Introduction to Modern CBT: Psychological Solutions to Mental Health Problems Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.Brems, C. (2001). Basic skills in psychotherapy and counseling. Singapore: Brooks/Cole.

2.Miltenberger, R. G. (2001). Behavior modification: Principles and procedures (2nd Ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.

3.Smith, N.W. (2001). Current systems in psychology: History, theory, research & applications. USA: Wadsworth/Thomson learning.

4.Griffiths, R. (2009). CBT for beginners. New Delhi: SAGE


Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 20 marks

CIA 2: 25 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks


All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass both CIAs to pass the course



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course will address one of the most important developments in mental health globally- community mental health programmes- by examining community mental health programmes that have taken centrestage in India’s mental health care landscape. It will look at how scaling up of community mental health practice in India as advocated by international bodies plays out on the ground when multiple stakeholders  appear on the scene. The course will draw from  national mental health policies and recent literature  on global mental health to provide an overview of challenges and possibilities of these policies and programmes when applied in the Global South with special focus on India. 


Course objectives:


-Trace the history of  programmes and policies related to community mental health nationally and internationally

- Map the complex dynamics between global mental health developments and national community mental health policies, that in turn interact with and shape local practices on the ground.

- Develop a critical understanding among community, mainstream mental health services and psychosocial disability in the Global South with special reference to India


Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand community and community mental health from inter and multidisciplinary perspectives

CO2: Critically evaluate community mental health policies and programmes from multiple perspectives

CO3: Engage with diverse communities with enhanced sensitivity and cultural humility

CO4: Analyse different social locations in the Global South and their intersections with mental health

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to community and community mental health

Meaning and definitions of community and community mental health, history of community mental health in India, current national and international policies and programmes: UN, WHO and Movement for Global Mental Health; Theoretical perspectives on community mental health, Medical model v/s community mental health model: Use of non-professionals in mental health: lay community health volunteers


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to community and community mental health

Meaning and definitions of community and community mental health, history of community mental health in India, current national and international policies and programmes: UN, WHO and Movement for Global Mental Health; Theoretical perspectives on community mental health, Medical model v/s community mental health model: Use of non-professionals in mental health: lay community health volunteers


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to community and community mental health

Meaning and definitions of community and community mental health, history of community mental health in India, current national and international policies and programmes: UN, WHO and Movement for Global Mental Health; Theoretical perspectives on community mental health, Medical model v/s community mental health model: Use of non-professionals in mental health: lay community health volunteers


Teaching Hours:15
Current issues and debates in community mental health

Gender, culture and human rights in mental health; User-survivor perspectives, alternative communities, psychiatric pluralism in India; Mental health in the Global South: Colonisation and racism, casteism, poverty, crime and delinquency, unemployment, tribal issues, migration,  gender, and sexuality; disability and psychology; Community based interventions. 


Teaching Hours:15
Current issues and debates in community mental health

Gender, culture and human rights in mental health; User-survivor perspectives, alternative communities, psychiatric pluralism in India; Mental health in the Global South: Colonisation and racism, casteism, poverty, crime and delinquency, unemployment, tribal issues, migration,  gender, and sexuality; disability and psychology; Community based interventions. 


Teaching Hours:15
Current issues and debates in community mental health

Gender, culture and human rights in mental health; User-survivor perspectives, alternative communities, psychiatric pluralism in India; Mental health in the Global South: Colonisation and racism, casteism, poverty, crime and delinquency, unemployment, tribal issues, migration,  gender, and sexuality; disability and psychology; Community based interventions. 


Text Books And Reference Books:

Lancet Global Mental Health Group.  (2007). Scale up services for mental disorders: a call for action. The Lancet, 370(9594), 1241-1252.

Gupta, N., Chavan, B. S., Arun, P., Sidana, A., & Jadhav, S. (2012). Community mental health in India. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.

Lukose, R. A. (2009). Liberalization's children: Gender, youth, and consumer citizenship in globalizing India. Duke University Press.

Davar, B. (1999). Mental health of Indian Women. New Delhi, Sage Publications.


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Misra, G. & Nagpal, A. (Eds). (1999). Psychology of poverty and disadvantages. New Delhi. Concept Publishing Co.

Sinha G. Tripathi R C & Misra G (Eds). (1998). Deprivation: Its Social roots and psychological consequences, New Delhi. Concept publishing company.

Government of India, (2017). National health policy. Retrieved from

Government of India (2015). Guidelines for implementing of district level activities under the NMHP during the 12th plan period. Retrieved from

Government of India. (2014). National Mental Health Policy. Retrieved from

Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 20 marks

CIA 2: 25 Marks

Attendance: 5 marks


All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass both CIAs to pass the course


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


The course on ‘Behavior therapy with developmental disabilities’ is designed to equip the student with skills in Behaviour assessment and interventions using principles of behaviour therapy for behaviour modification. Objective measures of documentation and reporting will be emphasized. Critical aspects of Professional Conduct in the practice of Behaviourtherapywithchildrenwithdevelopmentaldisabilities will be highlighted.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Conduct and assist in behaviour assessment procedures

CO2: Develop a skill acquisition plan

CO3: Develop skills in behaviour modification techniques

CO4: Document session notes objectively

CO5: Carry out Behaviour therapy sessions in a professional and ethical manner

Teaching Hours:15
unit 1

Continuous measurement procedures; discontinuous measurement procedures; permanent-product recordingprocedures;data entry and graphs

written skill acquisition

Teaching Hours:15
unit 1

Continuous measurement procedures; discontinuous measurement procedures; permanent-product recordingprocedures;data entry and graphs

written skill acquisition

Teaching Hours:15
unit 1

Continuous measurement procedures; discontinuous measurement procedures; permanent-product recordingprocedures;data entry and graphs

written skill acquisition

Teaching Hours:15
unit 2

Task analysis chaining procedures; discrimination training; stimulus control transfer procedures; prompt and prompt fading procedures; generalization and maintenanceprocedures; shaping procedures; token economy procedures.

communication and written skill practicum

Teaching Hours:15
unit 2

Task analysis chaining procedures; discrimination training; stimulus control transfer procedures; prompt and prompt fading procedures; generalization and maintenanceprocedures; shaping procedures; token economy procedures.

communication and written skill practicum

Teaching Hours:15
unit 2

Task analysis chaining procedures; discrimination training; stimulus control transfer procedures; prompt and prompt fading procedures; generalization and maintenanceprocedures; shaping procedures; token economy procedures.

communication and written skill practicum

Text Books And Reference Books:

Essential Readings

1.     Bailey, J. S., & Burch, M. R. (2006). How to think like a... behavior analyst: Understandingthesciencethatcanchangeyourlife.LawrenceErlbaumAssociates Publishers.

2.     Cooper,J.O.,Heron,T.E.,&Heward,W.L.(2019).AppliedBehaviorAnalysis(3rd Edition). Pearson Education.

3.     Diaz,Y.,&Claudio,P.(2020).TheRBTBook:AComprehensiveInstructional Manual for Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT) Working in ABA. 305 Publishing, Incorporated.

4.     Miltenberger,R.G.(2012).Behaviormodification:Principlesandprocedures. Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

5.     Tarbox,J.,&Tarbox,C.(2017).Trainingmanualforbehaviortechniciansworking with individuals with autism. Academic Press

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


Evaluation Pattern



Evaluation Pattern:


ContinuousInternalAssessment (CIA)


      CIA1:25 marks

      CIA2:25 Marks


All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he,they will have to repeat the CIA again before movingtothenextCIA.ThestudentmustpassalltheCIAcomponentswithanoverall CIA mark of 25/50 to pass the course


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course will prepare students towards therapeutically engage children. This course will also provide insight into the theoretical framework of Therapeutic play and creative techniques of engagement and processes with focus on guidelines for therapeutic practice with children.

Course objectives:

To understand the person of play therapist and the role of play therapist in therapeutic experience.

To familiarise the guidelines in structuring play therapy room and medias used for therapy.

To understand parent’s role in play therapy process.

To understand basic dimensions of the therapeutic relationship.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Engage children through play and creative techniques.

CO2: Apply play and creative techniques in everyday life and facilitate self-insight being the person of therapist

CO3: To recommend materials for play therapy room with rationale and to structure play therapy room.

CO4: To engage parents in the process of working with children.

Teaching Hours:10
History And Development of Play Therapy

Psychoanalytic Play Therapy, Release Play Therapy, Relationship Play Therapy, Nondirective Play Therapy Play Therapy in Elementary Schools, Association for Play Therapy, Trends in Play Therapy; Play Therapist: Creating Differences, Personality Characteristics, Therapist Self-understanding, Therapist Self-acceptance, Role of the Play Therapist.

Teaching Hours:10
History And Development of Play Therapy

Psychoanalytic Play Therapy, Release Play Therapy, Relationship Play Therapy, Nondirective Play Therapy Play Therapy in Elementary Schools, Association for Play Therapy, Trends in Play Therapy; Play Therapist: Creating Differences, Personality Characteristics, Therapist Self-understanding, Therapist Self-acceptance, Role of the Play Therapist.

Teaching Hours:10
The Play Room & Materials

Playroom Location, Playroom Size, Playroom Characteristics, Other Settings for Play Therapy, Rationale for Selecting Toys and Materials, Categories of Toys, Tote Bag Playroom, Recommended Toys and Materials for the Playroom, Special Considerations, Suggested Titles for the Play Therapy Program in Schools, Implementing a Play Therapy Program in Schools.

Teaching Hours:10
The Play Room & Materials

Playroom Location, Playroom Size, Playroom Characteristics, Other Settings for Play Therapy, Rationale for Selecting Toys and Materials, Categories of Toys, Tote Bag Playroom, Recommended Toys and Materials for the Playroom, Special Considerations, Suggested Titles for the Play Therapy Program in Schools, Implementing a Play Therapy Program in Schools.

Teaching Hours:10
Stages in Play Therapy

Parent’s Part in the Process: The Parent Interview, Obtain Permission from Legal Guardian, Confidentiality, Psychiatric Referral, Explaining Play Therapy to Parents. Therapeutic Relationship with the child: Objectives of the Relationship, Making Contact with the Child, The Initial Encounter in the Waiting Room, Structuring the Relationship in the Playroom, Responding to the Reluctant Anxious Child, The Child’s View of the Play Therapy Relationship, Questioning Techniques of Children, Explaining the Observation Mirror and Recording, Taking Notes during the Session.

Teaching Hours:10
Stages in Play Therapy

Parent’s Part in the Process: The Parent Interview, Obtain Permission from Legal Guardian, Confidentiality, Psychiatric Referral, Explaining Play Therapy to Parents. Therapeutic Relationship with the child: Objectives of the Relationship, Making Contact with the Child, The Initial Encounter in the Waiting Room, Structuring the Relationship in the Playroom, Responding to the Reluctant Anxious Child, The Child’s View of the Play Therapy Relationship, Questioning Techniques of Children, Explaining the Observation Mirror and Recording, Taking Notes during the Session.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Landreth G, L. (2012). Play Therapy: Art of Relationship. Routledge; Taylor & Francis.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Landreth G, L. (2012). Play Therapy: Art of Relationship. Routledge; Taylor & Francis.

Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) 

CIA 1: 20 marks 

CIA 2: 25 Marks 

 Attendance: 5 marks 

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he,they will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with an overall CIA mark of 25/50 to pass the course



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


The course introduces learners to gender and sexuality norms and paradigms informing queer affirmative counselling practice. This course also introduces learners to queer affirmative care, including psychodiagnostic through a queer lens, understanding of significant psychological challenges faced by the queer community, especially in India, and the operationalisation of queer affirmative counselling practice.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand the basic concepts of gender and sexuality from an intersectional perspective.

CO2: Assimilate the knowledge of mental health issues and attitude to work with queer people and their significant ones from a multidisciplinary and queer affirmative perspective.

CO3: Provide queer affirmative counselling in clinical and community settings.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to sex, gender, sexuality and identities

Introduction to gender and sexuality, gender and sexuality-related norms, gender-sexuality as social structures, queer movement and politics in India (Transgender Bill and IPC section 377), sexuality in the personal and professional/ clinical context, and paradigms informing queer affirmative counselling practice.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to sex, gender, sexuality and identities

Introduction to gender and sexuality, gender and sexuality-related norms, gender-sexuality as social structures, queer movement and politics in India (Transgender Bill and IPC section 377), sexuality in the personal and professional/ clinical context, and paradigms informing queer affirmative counselling practice.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to sex, gender, sexuality and identities

Introduction to gender and sexuality, gender and sexuality-related norms, gender-sexuality as social structures, queer movement and politics in India (Transgender Bill and IPC section 377), sexuality in the personal and professional/ clinical context, and paradigms informing queer affirmative counselling practice.

Teaching Hours:10
LGBTQIA+ communities and mental health

LGBTQIA+ communities and mental health: minority stress, major mental health issues, societal and structural problems associated with the mental health of queer people. 

Teaching Hours:10
LGBTQIA+ communities and mental health

LGBTQIA+ communities and mental health: minority stress, major mental health issues, societal and structural problems associated with the mental health of queer people. 

Teaching Hours:10
LGBTQIA+ communities and mental health

LGBTQIA+ communities and mental health: minority stress, major mental health issues, societal and structural problems associated with the mental health of queer people. 

Teaching Hours:10
Queer affirmative counselling skills

Queer affirmative counselling skills - the role of language, person-centred therapeutic practices, trans-affirmative practice, cognitive behavioural interventions, working with families, peers, allies, and healthcare professionals.  

Teaching Hours:10
Queer affirmative counselling skills

Queer affirmative counselling skills - the role of language, person-centred therapeutic practices, trans-affirmative practice, cognitive behavioural interventions, working with families, peers, allies, and healthcare professionals.  

Teaching Hours:10
Queer affirmative counselling skills

Queer affirmative counselling skills - the role of language, person-centred therapeutic practices, trans-affirmative practice, cognitive behavioural interventions, working with families, peers, allies, and healthcare professionals.  

Text Books And Reference Books:

Narrain, A., & Chandra, V. (2015). Nothing to fix: Medicalisation of sexual orientation and gender identity. SAGE Publications India.

Ranade, K., Chakravarty, S., Nair, P., Shringarpure, G. (2022). Queer Affirmative Counselling Practice - A Resource Book for Mental Health Practitioners in India, Mumbai: Mariwala Health Initiative.

Ranade, K. (2018). Growing up gay in urban India. Critical Psychosocial perspectives. Springer Singapore.

Kumar, P. (2021). Sexuality, Abjection and Queer Existence in Contemporary India. Routledge.

Ranade, K., Hastak, Y. Growing Up and Sexual Identity Formation - Mental Health Concerns of lesbian women, In Davar, B.V., Ravindran, S. (2015). (eds), Gendering Mental Health: Knowledges, Identities, Institutions, New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Sharma H. Are we being trained to discriminate? Need to sensitize doctors in India on issues of gender and sexuality. Research & Humanities in Medical Education (RHiME). 2018;5: 35-43.


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Rianna P. Medical Imagination. Homosexuality in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 1970-1980. En-Gender! 2020 3(2): 1-15. Available from:

Threadgold L. ‘Commentary on: Medical imagination‘. En-Gender! 2020 3(2): 16-17. Available from:

Vanita, R. Queering India: same-sex love and eroticism in Indian culture and society. Routledge;2001.

Ranade, K., Shah, C., & Chatterjee, S. (2016). Making sense: Familial journeys towards acceptance of gay and lesbian family members in India. The Indian Journal of Social Work, 77(4), 437-458.

Ranade K, Chakravarty S. ‘Coming Out’ of the comfort zone: challenging heteronormativity through affirmative counselling practice with lesbian and gay clients. In: Bhola P, Raguram A, editors. Ethical issues in counselling and psychotherapy practice. Singapore: Springer Science; 2016. p. 141-54.

Ranade K, Chakravarty S. Gay-affirmative counselling practice: resource and training manual. Mumbai: Saksham; 2013. 

American Psychological Association (APA) Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People. 2015

United Nations. Universal declaration of human rights. Paris; UNO;1948 Dec 10[cited 2018 Dec 12]. Available from

Toonen v. Australia, Human Rights Committee Communication No. 488/1992, U.N. Doc CCPR/C/50/D/488/1992. 1994 [cited 2018 Dec 12]. Available from:

The Yogyakarta principles (Original principles adopted in 2006). Available from:

United Nations Human Rights Council. Discriminatory laws and practices and acts of violence against individuals based on their sexual orientation and gender identity; Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. United Nations General Assembly Document A/HRC/19/41; 2011 Nov 17 [cited 2018 Dec 10]. Available from:

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Navi Pillay: “Respond systematically to homophobic violence and discrimination.” 2013 Apr 18 [cited 2018 Dec 12]. Video file. Available from:

United Nations Human Rights Office. Free and Equal. Stand up for equal rights & fair treatment for lesbian, gay, bi, trans & intersex people everywhere. 2012. Available from:

United Nations Secretary-General. Secretary-General’s video message to the Oslo Conference on Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.2013 Apr 15 [cited 2018 Dec 12]. Available from:

Obergefell et al v. Hodges, Director, Ohio Department of Health, et al. No 14 – 556, Supreme Court of the United States. 2015 Jun 26 [cited 2018 Dec 12]. Available from:

United Nations Human Rights Council. Report of the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. United Nations General Assembly Document A/HRC/35/36. 2017. Available from:


Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) 

CIA 1: 20 marks 

CIA 2: 25 Marks 

Class participation & Attendance: 5 marks 

All the CIAs are a must-pass assessment with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, they will have to repeat the CIA before moving to the next CIA. To pass the course, the student must pass all the CIA components with an overall CIA mark of 25/50.  


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description



Course description: Clinical neuropsychology addresses the link between brain and behaviour. Neuropsychological assessments provide a scientific way of quantifying and describing the cognitive, behavioural and emotional sequelae of changes in brain function caused by damage or disease. This module introduces you to neuroanatomy, neuropsychological assessment, and neuropsychological rehabilitation.

Course objectives: Students will acquire:

  • An understanding of the broad work field of clinical neuropsychologists and the ability to apply this understanding. The focus lies on knowledge of various neurological, psychiatric and neuropsychological disorders, their underlying pathology, as well as the methods and techniques used to diagnose and treat them
  • Knowledge of the functional neuroanatomy, neuropathology, neurophysiology and neuropathophysiology
  • Oral and written skills that allow them to present a current (clinical) neuropsychological theme/topic



Learning Outcome

CO1: describe key brain structures and their functions

CO2: define and describe clinical signs of common neurological conditions

CO3: define which neuropsychological tests to use for different conditions and demonstrate competence in the use of neuropsychological tests

CO4: interpret the results of psychological assessment and use these to recommend appropriate intervention

CO5: demonstrate knowledge of professional and ethical issues relevant to the neuropsychologists role.

Teaching Hours:8
Unit I

History, basic anatomy, elements of neurology, Methods of study of research in neuropsychology-anatomical methods, degeneration techniques, lesion techniques, chemical methods, stereotaxic surgery, micro-electrode studies, oscilloscope, polygraph, scanning methods & Ethical issues in research.

Teaching Hours:8
Unit I

History, basic anatomy, elements of neurology, Methods of study of research in neuropsychology-anatomical methods, degeneration techniques, lesion techniques, chemical methods, stereotaxic surgery, micro-electrode studies, oscilloscope, polygraph, scanning methods & Ethical issues in research.

Teaching Hours:7
Unit II

Major structures and functions, spinal cord, Brain: Fore brain, Mid brain, Hind brain, Cerebral cortex, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes; prefrontal cortex

Lobe syndromes- frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital

Teaching Hours:7
Unit II

Major structures and functions, spinal cord, Brain: Fore brain, Mid brain, Hind brain, Cerebral cortex, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes; prefrontal cortex

Lobe syndromes- frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital

Teaching Hours:7
Unit III

Spiritual dimensions of neurology, Neurology and emotions, neurological changes during cousnelling interventions.

Teaching Hours:7
Unit III

Spiritual dimensions of neurology, Neurology and emotions, neurological changes during cousnelling interventions.

Teaching Hours:8
Unit IV

Neuropsychology of psychiatric conditions: Schizophrenia, Substance abuse disorders, Major affective disorders and Anxiety disorders.

Neuropsychological assessments

Teaching Hours:8
Unit IV

Neuropsychology of psychiatric conditions: Schizophrenia, Substance abuse disorders, Major affective disorders and Anxiety disorders.

Neuropsychological assessments

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Blackmore, S. (2003). Consciousness: An introduction. London: Hodder&Stoughton.
  2. Kandel, E.R. Schwartz, J.H. & Jessel, T.M. (2000). Principles of neural science (4th .ed.)New York: McGraw-Hill.
  3. Wallace, B. & Fisher, L.E. (1991). Consciousness and Behavior (3rd Ed.). USA: Allyn &   Bacon.
  4. Walsh K. (2008). Neuropsychology. New Delhi: B.I. Churchill Livingstone Pvt. Ltd
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Anderson, V., Northam, E., Hendy, J. & Wrennall, J. (2005). Developmental Neuropsychology: A Clinical Approach (Brain Damage, Behavior and Cognition Series). NY, NY: Psychology Press, Taylor and Francis Group.
  2. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (2013). Arlington, VA.: American Psychiatric Press.
  3. Grant, I. & Adams, K. (2009). Neuropsychological Assessment of Neuropsychiatric and Neuromedical Disorders, Third Edition. New York, New York: Oxford University Press.
  4. Heilman, K.M. & Valenstein, E. (2003). Clinical Neuropsychology. NY, NY: Oxford University Presss.
  5. Lezak, M. D., Howieson, D. B, & Loring, D.W. (2012). Neuropsychological Assessment, 5th ed. NY, NY: Oxford University Press.
  6. Morgan, J.E. & Ricker, J.E. (2008). Textbook of Clinical Neuropsychology. NY, NY: Taylor and Francis Publishers, Inc.
  7. Reynolds, C.R.(Editor) & Fletcher-Janzen, E. (Editor) (2008). Handbook of Clinical Child Neuropsychology, Third Edition. NY, NY: Springer Publishers.
  8. Strauss, E., Sherman, E.M.S. & Spreen, Otfried (2006). A Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests:, Third Edition Administration, Norms and Commentary. NY, NY: Oxford University Press.
  9. Yeates, K.O., Ris, M.D., Taylor, H.G. & Pennington, B.F. (2010). Pediatric Neuropsychology: Research, Theory, and Practice, 2nd Edition. NY, NY: Guildford Press.
Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern:

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)
CIA 1: 20 marks
CIA 2: 25 Marks
Class participation & Attendance: 5 marks

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with an overall CIA mark of 25/50 to pass the course.


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: The major objective of the course is to familiarize the students the field of psychoanalysis. This includes facilitating reading and discussion on case studies and clinical issues addressed in psychoanalytic literature. The course is also intended to read and reflect on the writings on psyche, culture and psychoanalysis in Indian context. Through theoretical expansion, this course covers both classical and contemporary debates in psychoanalysis. The course also covers different therapeutic processes and techniques in psychoanalysis. 

Course objectives:

1.To engage with the classical and contemporary debates in psychoanalysis. 

2.To familiarize with the case studies and clinical issues addressed in psychoanalysis literature.

3.To understand the contribution of Indian psychoanalysis on psychoanalytic studies 

4.To understand the therapeutic process in psychoanalysis 


Learning Outcome

CO1: Apply psychoanalytical approach to everyday life.

CO2: Analyze both classical and contemporary approaches in psychoanalysis.

CO3: Develop psychoanalytical therapeutic skills.

Teaching Hours:15
Essentials of psychoanalysis

History of psychoanalysis

Topography of mind, Structural theory, Childhood and psychoanalysis

Psychology of everyday life: jokes, slip of the tongue


Contemporary psychoanalysis: Object relations, Lacanian psychoanalysis, Interpersonal psychoanalysis, Neuropsychoanalyis, Indian psychoanalysis

Teaching Hours:15
Essentials of psychoanalysis

History of psychoanalysis

Topography of mind, Structural theory, Childhood and psychoanalysis

Psychology of everyday life: jokes, slip of the tongue


Contemporary psychoanalysis: Object relations, Lacanian psychoanalysis, Interpersonal psychoanalysis, Neuropsychoanalyis, Indian psychoanalysis

Teaching Hours:15
The process of therapy in psychoanalysis

Psychopathology, self-analysis, process of therapy, transference and counter transference, boundaries


Techniques in psychoanalysis: Free Association, Dream work, Analysis of resistance

Teaching Hours:15
The process of therapy in psychoanalysis

Psychopathology, self-analysis, process of therapy, transference and counter transference, boundaries


Techniques in psychoanalysis: Free Association, Dream work, Analysis of resistance

Text Books And Reference Books:

Charles, M. (2017). Introduction to Contemporary Psychoanalysis: Defining Terms and Building Bridges (1st ed.). Routledge.


Freud, S. (2001). The standard edition of the complete psychological work of  Sigmund  volume 1-15. London: Vintage 

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Kakar, S. (2001). The essential writings of Sudhir Kakar. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.


Solms M. L. (2018). The Neurobiological Underpinnings of Psychoanalytic Theory and Therapy. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience12, 294.

Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 20 marks

CIA 2: 25 Marks

Class participation & Attendance: 5 marks


All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with an overall CIA mark of 25/50 to pass the course.


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:0
No of Lecture Hours/Week:0
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course has been conceptualized in order to equip the students with the necessary skills of publishing their manuscript in an academic journal and presenting their research work in a conference. The process will be supervised by the respective research supervisors.

Course Objective: 

  • To help the learner gain familiarity with the process of publication
  • To help the learner gain exposure to seminars and conferences

Learning Outcome

CO1: Send a research manuscript to an indexed academic journal and present a paper in a national/international conference

Teaching Hours:0
CO1: Send a research manuscript to an indexed academic journal and present a paper in a national/international conference

Identifying types of journals, preparing a manuscript according to author guidelines provided by the journal,

Preparing a scientific poster, preparing a presentation for an academic conference

Teaching Hours:0
CO1: Send a research manuscript to an indexed academic journal and present a paper in a national/international conference

Identifying types of journals, preparing a manuscript according to author guidelines provided by the journal,

Preparing a scientific poster, preparing a presentation for an academic conference

Teaching Hours:0
CO1: Send a research manuscript to an indexed academic journal and present a paper in a national/international conference

Identifying types of journals, preparing a manuscript according to author guidelines provided by the journal,

Preparing a scientific poster, preparing a presentation for an academic conference

Text Books And Reference Books:

Giles, D. (2013). Advanced research methods in psychology. Routledge

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Barker, C., & Pistrang, N. (2015). Research methods in clinical psychology: An introduction for students and practitioners. John Wiley & Sons
Evaluation Pattern

Students must present their work in a research conference and publish their manuscript in an academic journal

The student must pass all the CIA components with an overall CIA mark of 25/50 to pass the course


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:200

Course Objectives/Course Description


In Supervised practicum students spend 480 hours engaging in a supervised practicum in a community mental health setting. Of these hours, 320 hours (200 hours direct and 120 hours indirect) must be in a community or clinical setting and 160 hours can be in a community or clinical or research setting (120 hours direct and 40 indirect hours if opting for a clinical setting).  This practicum is offered in the fourth semester. Students are expected to attend group and individual supervision both on-site and on campus. The student develops skills in neuropsychological assessment, rehabilitation and research. The practicum students would have to complete coursework in the following courses prior to onset of internship:

               Introduction to Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology

               Neurobiological Basis of Cognition- I & II

               Neuropsychological and Neurobiological bases of behaviour Across the Lifespan

               Introduction to Neuropsychology

               Neuropsychological Assessment and Intervention

               Assessment: Psychopathology

Assessment: Cognition

Learning Outcome

CO1: Develop basic skills in neuropsychological intake

CO2: Develop basic skills in neuropsychological assessments

CO3: Document their findings in clinical reports

CO4: Understand methods of neuropsychological intervention

CO5: Develop skills in carrying out research through data collection/ data analysis/ research report writing.

Teaching Hours:0

Practicum Students engage in 480 hours of supervised practicum through an internship in a community, clinical, and/or research setting requiring neuropsychological assessment and intervention. Individual and Group supervision is carried out at the supervision site and on campus. The student must complete 20 hours of group supervision and 10 hours of individual supervision through the course.

Teaching Hours:0

Practicum Students engage in 480 hours of supervised practicum through an internship in a community, clinical, and/or research setting requiring neuropsychological assessment and intervention. Individual and Group supervision is carried out at the supervision site and on campus. The student must complete 20 hours of group supervision and 10 hours of individual supervision through the course.

Teaching Hours:0

Practicum Students engage in 480 hours of supervised practicum through an internship in a community, clinical, and/or research setting requiring neuropsychological assessment and intervention. Individual and Group supervision is carried out at the supervision site and on campus. The student must complete 20 hours of group supervision and 10 hours of individual supervision through the course.

Text Books And Reference Books:


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


Evaluation Pattern

Overall CIA -140 marks (CIA is a must pass with minimum 70 marks total to pass)

ESE- 60 marks 

Total- 200 marks